Housing Rights: Looking Back, Looking Forward

Friday 9 October 2020, 3-5pm CEST (click here to see your local time)

This year’s World Habitat Day is themed Housing for All: A Better “Urban” Future, a theme that echoes the UN SDGs and New Urban Agenda to Leave No One Behind. Yet, COVID-19 is showing us that many are being left behind. While COVID-19 is primarily referred to as a health and economic emergency, the right to housing and housing related services play a critical role in how we are able to respond to the pandemic collectively. 

Before forging ahead, we are taking a moment to look back and reflect on Housing Rights and where we have come from. In looking forward, we are engaging with the current moment to move beyond diagnosis and take stock of how various actors are defending and producing housing rights in the light of COVID-19. 

The main aim is to bring together various communities of practice converging in the defence and production of the ‘right to housing’ as the ‘right to life’, and to move towards a collective debate on how our responses are changing / need to change in the current situation.

Register in advance for this meeting (click here to see your local time)

Registered participants are advised that the event will be recorded with the objective of being able to disseminate it on social media networks, pamphlets, publications, press and other portals, and between UCLG members. The images and audio and video content of the webinar could be used by UCLG for promotional purposes and in compliance with the objectives referenced in its statutes without said activities implying a right to remuneration in favor of the participant.


Adriana Allen, Development Planning Unit / Habitat International Coalition

Alexandre Apsan Frediani, International Institute for Environment and Development

Amanda Flety Martinez, United Cities and Local Governments Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights

Arif Hasan Urban Resource Centre, Karachi

Barbara Lipietz, Development Planning Unit

Bea Varnai, UrbaMonde

Daniel Nonze, Association pour l’Amour du Livre et le Développement Local – ASSOAL

Diana Mitlin, International Institute for Environment and Development / University of Manchester

Emilia Saiz, United Cities and Local Governments

Hilary Zhou, Zimbabwe Land Rights Movement

Lorena Zárate, Global Platform for the Right to the City

Paco Morote, Plataforma de Afectados contra la Hipoteca – PAH (Spanish Citizen-led platforms against marked-led eviction mobilisation)

Raquel Rolnik, University of São Paulo

Rose Molokoane, Slum Dwellers International

Ruth McLeod, Development Planning Unit

Silvia Emmanuelli, Habitat International Coalition Latinoamerica

Sonia Cadornigara, Asian Coalition for Housing Rights

Yolande Hendler, Habitat International Coalition