Meeting of the Global Platform for the Right to
the City, within the People’s Climate Summit
5th December, 19h00
To debate on right to the city’s
contribution to ecological transition
Strengthen articulations between urban
and ecological movements, and between local governments and social movements
What challenges does urbanization raise in regard
to climate change? How to face ecological transition in cities and how to
reinvent the commons?
According to the UN, in 2050, 70% of world’s
population will live in cities. While most of greenhouse gas emissions are
produced in cities, and the consequences of climate change firstly affects the
most precarious, is this predominant urbanization model sustainable for
our planet? How to approach ecological transition in cities in order to ensure
well-living and environmental rights for all? How to think urban development regarding
its articulation with the rural? How to support new urban citizenships,
connected to their rural and periurban surroundings? How to boost popular
ecology for all? What policies for resilience at local level?
The debate will be divided in two parts:
1. Climate change
challenges from the urban
2. Alternatives from the
Right to the City
It will be moderatedby Gustave Massiah, with the
participation of:
Amaranta Herrero, sociologist
Augusto Barrera, former Mayor of Quito and FLACSO researcher
Bachir Kanouté, ENDA-ECOPOP coordinator
Gustavo Petro, Mayor of Bogotá
Dimitri Rossopoulos, MontréalUrban Ecology Center co-founder
Lorena Zarate,
Présidente de la Coalition Internationale pour l’Habitat (HIC)
Jordi Borja,
Président de l’Observatorio DESC (Barcelone)
Manuela Carmena,
Mayor of Madrid (TBC)
Janet Sanz, Barcelona Deputy Mayor for Urbanism and
Ecology (TBC)