The Electoral Committee calls to vote for the Representative of MENA 2020-2024 at the HIC Board

Dear HIC Members of the MENA region,

Receive the greetings of the EC.

As you already know, the current term of your Representative to the Habitat International Coalition Board has expired. The next four-year term will run from 2020 through 2024. 

The HIC Members with the right to vote of the MENA region are cordially invited to participate in the election process. If your name is stated on the Roster of Voter attached, you are requested to vote for ONE CANDIDATE to represent you at the HIC Board for the next four years.

The Candidate that will receive the higher number of votes will be the Representative at the Board and the Alternate will be the second most voted candidate of the opposite sex.

Three people have been nominated as candidates and have duly accepted their nominations:

  • Ms. Rana Ghanem of Social Democratic Forum (Yemen)

  • Ms. Taghreed Khalaf Abdul Razzaq Al-Nuaimi of Together to Protect Human and the Environment Association (Iraq)

  • Mr. Khalid Khawaldeh of Dana and Qadisiyah Local Community Cooperative (Jordan)

You can download each Candidate’s documents clicking on each document on HIC website on

Your vote should contain the following information:

  1. Your personal name

  2. The name of the organization you belong to

  3. The name of the Candidate you have chosen to be the Representatives at the HIC Board

  4. The date of your vote


To:,, and

My name:

The organization I belong to:

My Candidates is:

Date of my vote:

The ballot will only be considered as valid if this information is provided.

The opening date for voting is Thursday August 20th; the closing date is Thursday September 3rd. The votes will be counted and verified on Friday September 4th and the publication of results sent on Saturday September 5th 2020.


One of the Members of the EC will send an acknowledgement of receipt to each voter after receiving your ballot.

Thanks for your participation in the HIC-MENA election process!

Best regards,

The Electoral Committee

Mr. Khalid Gindeel (Coordinator)

Ms. Maede Salimi

Mr. Taleb Brahim

Mr. Mongi Chnite

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Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Profesor Emérito de Planificación del Desarrollo en el University College de Londres Con profunda tristeza anunciamos el fallecimiento de Yves Cabannes, urbanista visionario, activista apasionado y apreciado colega. Yves nos [...]