Rebuilding the Right to Habitat after the Mexico Earthquake: The HIC Initiative Selected by the Global Giving Foundation

Reconstruction process based on the decision and participation of those affected by the earthquake in Mexico.
The 2017 earthquakes left 465 dead and 180,000 homes damaged. While the government saw the affected as an object of intervention, social groups living mainly in rural areas with an indigenous presence have developed, with the support of members of our Coalition, reconstruction processes based on the decision and participation of local people, the use of local materials, and techniques that reduce vulnerability. These works deserve to be visible in a video and a campaign directed to authorities..
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Mexico is at risk of suffering other disasters that would especially affect people who are most vulnerable. Rather than continuing to follow old formulas that are not prevention based and directed only to restore poor quality housing without adapting them to the needs of disaster victims, our Coalition is committed to produce a video and mount a campaign to demonstrate viable alternatives based on practical experiences directed to decision makers.
Participate in the Accelerator and help us to continue fighting for the habitat rights of the population.

We want to demonstrate that there are alternative ways to prevent a disaster and rebuild with respect for human rights. With your help we can continue to work on behalf of people’s habitat rights. 

Participate in the “Accelerator” of Global Givingand also help us reach the goal to access this online fundraising tool for future projects. We want to continue strengthening initiatives aimed at satisfying the right to habitat of all people and influencing public policies that put the right to habitat at the centre.

Donate NowParticipate in the “Accelerator” of Global Giving and also help us reach the goal to access this online fundraising tool for future projects. We want to continue strengthening initiatives aimed at satisfying the right to habitat of all people and influencing public policies that put the right to habitat at the centre..

Mensaje de fin de año 2024 de HIC

Mensaje de fin de año 2024 de HIC

Estimados-as Miembros-as, Amigos-as y Aliados-as de HIC, Al concluir el año 2024, el SG de HIC les desea un final de año lleno de alegría y descanso. Es un placer [...]