Launch: Campaign Against Forced Evictions in the Informal Settlements in Nairobi



We denounce to the international community that the Kenya Government has decided to enforce the demolition of dozen of thousand of structures (shacks, schools, churches, community centers, clinics, shops, etc.) in few days time and with no proper notice, thus causing the forced eviction of over 354.000 people from Kibera, Korogocho, Kahawa Soweto, Kamae, Kware, Kamwanya, Kanguku, Kandutu, City Cotton, Mutumba, Kareru, Kirigu, Muria-Mbogo, Mutego, Njiku and others of the most populated among the 168 Nairobi slums. Other evictions are also expected to happen in the whole country.
Demolitions have already started and are going to affect:

  • more than 20.120 shelters where over 108.000 people live, located near the railway;

  • more than 16.800 shelters crowded with over 170.000 people, in order to build a bypass road;
  • more than 4.500 shelters placed near the electric line and occupied by over 76.100 people;

We denounce that until now, the Kenya Government has neither offered any alternative nor compensation to these people, the poorest among all the city dwellers, who precariously make a living in the informal sector and through small business.
We remind all that doing so, the Kenya Government badly violates the legal obligations stated by the International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (art. 2, 7, 11, 12, 13 e 15) signed by Kenya on 3rd January 1976, as well as the Habitat Agenda and the Agenda 21, which provide for the obligation to find alternative solutions when evictions are unavoidable.
Thus, we join the international solidarity appeals launched by the Urban Parish Network in the Informal Settlements, the International Alliance of Inhabitants, the COHRE and others, so to give back hope to the poorest of the poor.

Send now your message to strongly request:

To the Kenya Government and the Nairobi Mayor

  • To comply with the obligations stated by the International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
  • To immediately end all demolitions and forced evictions.
  • To open a real debate with all concerned communities in order to find acceptable solutions on limiting evictions to the most, reaching an agreement on possible relocations, granting suitable compensations to the evicted.
  • To develop a new public housing and urban policy starting from the protection of the housing right of all (housing security, planning, urban renovation, sanitation).
  • To appoint a coordinated and impartial body to be responsible for orderly and peaceful evictions.
  • To appoint an inter-ministerial consultative group to coordinate all plans related to evictions and demolitions that will take place in the informal settlements.
  • To provide immediate assistance to all those already evicted.

To the European Commission, Governments and European Bank of Investments:

  • To discontinue any funding to Kenya meant to build infrastructures related to forced demolitions and evictions, if conditions earlier stated are not respected.

To UN-Habitat:

  • To take immediate action in order to persuade the Kenya Government to accept proposals meant to reach suitable solutions for the protection of the housing right of all.

(All together)



Abbé Pierre (France), Alex Zanotelli (Combonians Missionaries, Italy), Cesare Ottolini (Coordinator International Alliance of Inhabitants, International), Cristina Almazan (UCISV-Ver, México), Don Alessandro Sartore (Comunit di Base delle Piagge, Florence, Italy), Giovani Impegno Missionario (Italy), Guillermo Rodriguez Curiel (Frente Continental Organizaciones Comunales, México), Jean-Baptiste Eyraud (Speaker DAL, France), Mons. Luigi Bettazzi (Bishop of Ivrea, Italy), No-Vox (International, Mons. Luigi Bettazzi (Vescovo Emerito di Ivrea, Italy), Renzo Fior (President Emmaus International), Vincenzo Simoni (General Secretary Unione Inquilini, Italy), Yves Cabannes (UN Advisory Group on Forced Evictions, Ecuador).


African Network for the Prevention and Protection of Child Abuse and Neglect (ANPPCAN), Basic Rights Campaign, Carolina for Kibera, Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG), Kenya Human Rights Commission, Kituo Cha Sheria, Kutoka Network of Parishes in the Informal Settlements (Christ the King – Line Saba, Sacred Heart ? Dagoretti, Christ the King ? Embakasi, St. John?s ? Korogocho, Consolata Shrine ? Westlands, St. Joseph – Kahawa West, Holy Cross ? Dandora, St. Joseph and Mary – Shauri Moyo, Holy Mary Mother of God ? Githurai, St. Joseph the Worker ? Kangemi, Holy Trinity ? Kariobangi, St. Mary?s – Mukuru kwa Njenga – Our Lady of Guadalupe – Adams Arcade, St. Theresa?s – Eastleigh/Mathare Valley), Maji na Ufanisi, Pamoja Trust, Shelter Forum, Concern Wo

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Profesor Emérito de Planificación del Desarrollo en el University College de Londres Con profunda tristeza anunciamos el fallecimiento de Yves Cabannes, urbanista visionario, activista apasionado y apreciado colega. Yves nos [...]