Israeli Military Attacks Peaceful Demostration in Bethlem

MA’AN Development Center expresses its horror at the attack perpetrated by the Israeli military against hundreds of participants in a peaceful demonstration in the Bethlehem village of Umm Salamuna on 8 June (Ramallah).

Israeli soldiers fired tear gas at a crowd of Palestinians and some Israeli and international activists who were nonviolently resisting Israel’s Apartheid Wall and occupation of Palestinian land on the 40th anniversary of the 1967 occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. At least four Palestinians were violently beaten with butts of Israeli guns, and then were arrested. Many journalists also fell victim to Israeli aggression; they were pushed to the ground and dropped their cameras.

Issa Samandar, (seen in pictures) HIC Board member, MA’AN staff member and a land rights activist, was detained and brutally beaten by six Israeli soldiers resulting in back injury.

Samandar was held for more than six hours in Kiryat Arba’ detention facility in Hebron and was released later with a fine of 1,000 Israeli shekels ($250).

MA’AN Development Center condemns the Israeli military humiliating actions against peaceful demonstrations and against its staff and calls on human rights organizations to consider this act as a gross violation of human rights and international humanitarian law.

For more information, please contact MA’AN Development Center‘s Communications Unit at:

MA’AN Development Center

Ramallah Chamber of Commerce Bldg, opposite to the Post Office, 4th Floor

Tel: +972 (0)2 295-4451 / 298-6796


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