International Housing Campaign

The website for the international campaign IN DEFENSE of PLACE & LIVELIHOOD is now on-line. The HIC campaign this year is an effort larger than before. While last year HIC carried out the Housing and Land Rights Day (HLRD), this year members and allies are engaged in a four month effort which starts with the HLRD, October 1, 2007, and ends with our collective participation in the World Social Forum Day of Mobilization on January 26, 2008.

The four-month idea came from HIC, IAI and FAL at the World Social Forum International Council (Berlin in June) and was ratified in the Alternative G8 Summit in Rostock.

Conceptually this form of campaign organizing allows members and allies the flexibility of high points at the beginning and end dates, and allows all of us to show our collective support for campaigns in different location during the four months.

HIC-GS does not see it as its role to lead the campaign. We are one partner, along with the organizations in our membership, and allies world wide. As a member based Coalition, YOU are the true movers of a collective agenda for housing and land rights issues. HIC-GS’ job is therefore to articulate much of the work done by our members by providing spaces for networking, support for efforts, and a central point of contact for all. It is in this spirit that we built the campaign website.

The site structure was reviewed by groups of members and allies from all regions – Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America. We are happy to announce that we have included all suggestions that were sent to us.

The site is not 100% ready. In part because there is still some translation to do, and in part because we will build it with you during the campaign months: add your events to the Global Calendar; send articles to post under the numerous issue areas related to the campaign; start your own blog discussion. We urge you to review the section on the site that explains the its structure.

First up – SIGN ON to the Campaign Statement!

Finally, enjoy the site, and of course, send us comments and suggestions. And, let us know if you need any help with anything.

Julio C. Dantas

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