HIC President Election 2011 : Electoral Committee announces the HIC Presidential Election Results

According to the electoral calendar, the voting phase of the HIC Presidential Election has ended. The following is the final report of the Electoral Committee:

According to the information provided by the General Secretariat, 67 members had the right to vote for the 2011 Election of the HIC President.

We received a total of 48 votes, from which 45 were valid.
Two votes were received after the voting period ended, and one organization voted although they did not have the right to vote. As such, those three votes are considered invalid.

The final results are:

32 votes in favour of Lorena Zárate
13 votes in favour of Davinder Lamba

The total of 45 valid votes represents the participation of 71% of the eligible voting members and meets the quorum of 10% of the roster of voters.

We certify the validity of this electoral process, as described in the Guidelines for Electoral Processes.

According to these results, Lorena Zárate is the new HIC President.

We thank HIC members for their participation and congratulate our new HIC President!

Best regards,

Electoral Committee

Ramiro García – Coordinator

Shivani Bhardwaj

Abu Rayhan Albeeroonee

Abdul Hamid Slatch

Rajaa’ Kassab

Franck Olivier Kouame

Email: ec-president2011@hic-net.org

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