Latest updates about HIC Presidency
HIC en el FUM11: fortalecimiento de la coalición mediante alianzas, aprendizaje e incidencia
Del 25 al 30 de junio, representantes y miembros de la Coalición Internacional del Hábitat estuvieron presentes en Katowice (Polonia) para participar en una serie de actividades dentro y en [...]
Carta a la Directora Ejecutiva de ONU Hábitat antes de la celebración del Foro Urbano Mundial en Abu Dhabi
Letter from Kirtee Shah, HIC Emeritus President (1999 – 2003) to Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Director General of UN Habitat. The letter seeks corrective action during the World Urban Forum in [...]
Hacia un Mecanismo Institucional para la participación de las partes interesadas en la nueva gobernanza del ONU-Hábitat
El Grupo de Trabajo sobre el Mecanismo Institucional presenta la propuesta de mecanismo de participación de los interesados durante el décimo Foro Urbano Mundial, que se celebra en Abu Dhabi [...]
The Urban Social Forum opens in Naples with a field visit from the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing
Naples gave a warm welcome to the second Urban Social Forum (USF). While UN-Habitat neglected to include such vital issues as eviction from the agenda of their World Urban [...]
Two World Urban Forums, Two Worlds Apart
Two major world forums focused on urban issues – the U.N.-sponsored World Urban Forum (WUF) and a social-movement-sponsored Social Urban Forum (SUF) – took place in Rio de Janeiro in [...]
WUF 5: Launching of the HIC publication “Cities for All: Proposals and Experiences towards the Right to the City”
The book Cities for All: Proposals and Experiences towards the Right to the City, edited by Ana Sugranyes and Charlotte Mathivet, was launched to the public on Tuesday March 23, [...]
HIC at the World Urban Forum
The next annual events of Habitat International Coalition will take place in Vancouver, Canada, from 18 to 24 June 2006