HIC Human Rights Habitat Observatory

What Is HIC’s Human Rights Habitat Observatory?

HIC HRHO is a new collective initiative established
by HIC, its Housing and Land Rights Network (HIC-HLRN) and Members to pose
solutions and influence national and international debates and efforts to
implement, monitor and evaluate the new global agendas, including the 2030
Sustainable Development Agenda and its goals (SDGs), the Paris Agreement on
climate change and the New Urban Agenda (NUA) with the framework of states’
human rights obligations.

HIC HRHO integrates and reflects the historic
and current composition of HIC since 1976, convening community-based
organizations, large and small nongovernmental organizations, academic and
research centers, professional associations, social movements and concerned
individuals for over 40 years. Through HIC, these diverse and complementary
partners share their expertise, competence and struggles as assets that form
the basis for the Observatory.

HIC HRHO also seeks to ensure that any new
iteration of global policy and implementation does not regress in states’ prior
policy commitments or their obligations under international law, in particular
human rights treaties.

How Does the Human Rights Habitat Observatory Work?

HIC HRHO coordinates
efforts of HIC’s Members through its regional and thematic Structures pooling
and sharing knowledge, while raising the capacity and competence of HIC to
monitor, uphold and develop the Sustainable Development System on its promised human
rights basis.

informs and strengthens capacity of HIC Members by optimizing training, tools
and solidarity to analyze policy and advocate local and global policy coherence
to harmonize short-term humanitarian interventions with longer-term
institution-building development approaches inside the overarching framework of
human rights with their intended preventive and remedial effects.

HRHO seeks further convergence of HIC Members’ and allies’ efforts to restore
the “habitat” approach, as promised in the Habitat Agenda, that treats villages
and cities as points on a human settlements continuum within a common
ecosystem. This “habitat” approach promises to foster greater cooperation
and convergence among urban, rural and indigenous social movements to sustain
the planet through practical solidarity.

Who Can Be
Part of the Human Rights Habitat Observatory?

functions entail collaboration with and among HIC Members and allies working in
the field of Human Rights Habitat and related fields (e.g., climate change,
gender issues, land defense).

HRHO embraces the efforts of partners working in both rural and urban areas, in
local and global spheres who fight for remedy and accountability for violations
of habitat rights wherever they are found.

always, HIC prioritizes its advocacy, knowledge creation and other services and
functions to benefit social groups subject to discrimination, marginalization
and impoverishment.

HRHO offers a chance also for HIC Members and allies in academic and technical
fields to seize the historic moment by channeling meaningful contributions to
rethinking sustainable development within the framework and methods of human

more information please contact
hlrn@hlrn.org and

HIC portal: hic-net.org and websites: General Secretariat: www.hic-gs.org/, Housing and Land Rights Network: www.hlrn.org,
Latin America:
www.hic-al.org, Middle East and North Africa: www.hic-mena.org, South Asia: www.hlrn.org.in/

* Click here to download the flyer.

Declaración del Encuentro Internacional por Ciudades Igualitarias

Declaración del Encuentro Internacional por Ciudades Igualitarias

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