HIC Focal Point / Regional Coordinator Position Description

HIC Position Description

HIC Focal Point / Regional Coordinator






HIC-Focal Point


HIC-Focal Point




Advocacy for recognition defence and full implementation of housing rights

§ Whistle Blower

§ Think Tank

§ Influencing housing policies and habitat agendas

§ Summing forces in WSF spheres

– Coordination of regional/focal point – centered campaigns and HIC declarations


– Promote, facilitate, manage and co-ordinate activities of the Coalition in relation to the Focal Point / Regional Coordinator

– Positions main habitat declarations and missions

1.    Number of events/and or campaigns coordinated and promoted.

2.    Number of conferences and seminars coordinated.

3.    Habitat declarations and/or missions supported in your region.

4.    Number of publications and reports produced.

5.    Number of research projects conducted.

Strengthening  the people’s processes for a place to live in dignity

§ Articulating members´ experiences

§ Articulating actions with allies

– Provide support to and implementation of HIC mission and activities in relation to the Focal Point / Regional Coordinator


– Assist in the coordination and implementation of specific activities by Thematic Reference Centers linked to the Committees or Working Groups.

– Be in permanent contact with regional members.


1.    Number of regional and global actions you have helped HIC members in your region coordinate (For example: action days, press events, campaigns).

2.    Number of projects/activities linked to the Committees or Working Groups you have helped coordinate and implement.

3.    Number of initiatives coordinated to promote HIC and the regional focal point’s objectives/benefits to non-Member organizations.

4.    Number of initiatives coordinated to recruit new members.

5.    Number of events/campaigns of allies attended.

Consolidating the Coalition

§ Cultivate HIC identity

§ Permanent evaluation

§ Management of the Coalition


– Make contact with members and friends

– Promote HIC membership

– Promote, facilitate, manage and co-ordinate activities by members of the focal point / Region.

– Collect documents about members and provide GS with these

– Collect information and data about members and friends


1.    Number of times you have used the HIC Logo during events/campaigns or for publications/reports. Provide photos/documents to show the use of the HIC Logo.

2.    Do you have an updated link to the HIC Membership Form page on your website?

3.    Instances of HIC Inter-communication:

-To provide information to new members on the work of the thematic structure.

-To advise members of the programs and activities of other members so as to create the possibility of joint actions

-To coordinate the travel arrangements for members to attend the Annual General Assembly and the WSF





Covering all the functions

– Annual Report to General Secretariat

– Annual Plan

– Collect information and data about members and friends



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