Dear friends, HIC bodies and members in cooperation with other actors have prepared some events at the occasion of the 3rd ESF in London. We hope to achieve good results and clear strategies especially (1) regarding the future of HIC in Europe, (2) the building of a transnational task force to face privatization and direct globalization of housing (3) regarding the implementation of housing right tools in Europe. All friends present in London are welcomed. MEMBERS’ PRESENCE AT THE HIC EUROPE MEETING IS URGENT! Please tell me if you plan to join us. Udates will be submitted timely. Knut Unger, Political Coordinator Habitat Net/WG Habitat at Forum Environment and Development, Germany, and Witten Tenants Association at DMB, Speaker Ruhr District Tenants Forum ————————- Provisional Programme ————————- 1 Thursday, October 14, 4 – 7 p.m. HIC EUROPE MEMBERS MEETING The meeting is dedicated to exchange about recent developments in Europe and the finding of a solution for the future management and action of HIC in Europe. It has to implement the decision of the HIC board meeting in Barcelona, Sept. 2004. Venue: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) 3 Endsleigh Street, London 2 Friday, October 15, 4 – 7 p.m. (to be confirmed) MEETING ON SEMINAR PREPARATION In preparation of the seminar under 4 (Struggle for Public Housing) we want to meet with all partners and speakers in order to exchange experiences and ideas for international campaigning and develop concrete proposals for effective follow up strategies. Venue: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) 3 Endsleigh Street, London 3 Saturday, October 16, 2 – 4 p.m. at the ESF Workshop: HOW TO STRUGGLE FOR HOUSING RIGHTS IN EUROPE The Human Right to Adequate Housing (HRAH) – How to Use It as a Strategic Tool in Europe What’s “Right” about It? The elements and content of the right – The corresponding State obligations – HRAH in national constitutions – HRAH in binding regional instruments – Guarantees of the right in local law and international law What Needs Fixing? Problem of services retreating with State withdrawal from binding obligations – Country-case contradictions – reports by European organizations Strategic Opportunities: What popular mechanisms offer solutions? – Exposing problems and posing solutions in the international human rights system – 2005-06 State review processes at UN, elsewhere Expected results: Concrete agreements on implementing HRAH tools in Europe Organised by: HIC-HLRN and Ruhr District Tenants Forum/Habitat Net (Germany). Partners for reporting welcomed. Venue: Exact place pending 4 Saturday, October 16, 7 – 9 p.m. at the ESF Seminar S1: THE RIGHT TO DECENT HOUSING/STRUGGLE FOR PUBLIC HOUSING Fighting privatisation and the attempts to socially cleanse our cities. One speaker from each country to update on situation across Europe. Debate from floor to share our experience of our housing struggles and to strengthen international networking and campaigning, so that grassroots movements, tenants organisations and the wider network of social movements can co-operate across Europe and globally given the privatisation agenda, the mass evictions and social segregation occuring world-wide and the need to establish the right to housing as part of public provision. ORGANISATIONS IN PARTNERSHIP : DCH – UK, Habitat International Coalition, Ruhr District Tenants Forum – Habitat Net (Germany), DAL (Droit au Logement) – France, London Federation of Tenants – UK, Russian Housing Federation – Russia, NAHT – National Alliance of HUD Tenants (USA) SPEAKERS Eileen Short – Defend Council Housing, UK Jean-Baptiste Eyraud – Droit au Logement, No Vox, HIC member, France Richard Lee – London Tenants Federation, UK Knut Unger – Ruhr District Tenants Forum, Habitat Net, HIC member, Germany Cesare Ottolini – International Alliance of Inhabitants, Unione Inquilini, HIC board member, Italy Michael Kane – National Alliance of HUD Tenants, HIC board member, International Union of Tenants (IUT) board member, USA German Lomtev – Russian Housing Federation, HIC member Joseph Schechla (HIC-HLRN, Egypt) will speak from the floor – as will any other organisations / tenants not on platform. We are still trying to get a representative from IUT central Europe (Slovenia) Venue: Exact place pending. 5 Protest march on Sunday (against war and neoliberal globalization). Bring your banners. We will try to discuss opportunities to promote a campaign on “tenants against war and terrorism” at the occasion of US president elections. More informal debates on next steps expected. ————————————————- More information about European Social Forum: ————————————————– IIED’s London office is at: 3 Endsleigh Streeet, London WC1H 0DD in the ‘west end’ close to major railway (King’s Cross, St Pancras, Euston) and Underground stations. Map on: ————————————————— Sent by/Contact: Knut Unger Email: Witten Tenants Association/ Habitat Net, Germany Postfach 1928, D-58409 Witten Reception: Tel. ++49-(0)2302-51793 Political coordination: ++49-(0)2302-276171 Fax.: ++49-(0)2302-27320 Private: ++49-(0)202-45594
Declaración del Encuentro Internacional por Ciudades Igualitarias
En el marco del U20, organizaciones sociales, movimientos populares, redes de la sociedad civil, integrantes de la academia y autoridades locales comprometidas con la igualdad, los derechos humanos y la sustentabilidad se reunieron en Buenos Aires para proponer un compromiso común por Ciudades Igualitarias.