HIC is preparing its main annual events, coinciding with the Forum of Cultures Barcelona 2004 and the World Urban Forum, WUF, from September 8th to 17th. We are planning two kinds of activities: a) the most important, along with the people in Barcelona, especially in a well known public housing estate, La Mina, along the Rambla Prim; b) the other in WUF environment, in the neighborhood of La Mina. a) Along with the people – HIC Board meeting, Wednesday 08.09 to Friday 10.09. At the Social Center of La Mina: – HIC regional meetings (Saturday 11.09), – as part of the Agenda of HIC Assembly, a workshop on ‘HIC and the UN’ (Saturday 11.09, afternoon) – HIC General Assembly (Monday 13.09 in the morning), – as part of the Agenda of HIC Assembly, a workshop on ‘Social Movements and NGOs in the Social Production of Habitat and the City’, with the participation of local social organizations and NGOs, and with international HIC members (Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15, in the mornings) b) In the environment of Forum of Cultures/WUF, at the International Convention Center (CCIB), Avda. Diagonal and Rambla Prim – Presentation of Social Production of Habitat cases at the WUF during the Seminar ‘From Marginalization to Citizenship’, as part of the Dialogue ‘City and citizenship for the 21st Century’ (during the afternoons of Monday 13, Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15). – The presentation of graphic material about Social Production of Habitat and the Charter for the Right to the City, in an exhibition organized by Latin American architects, IALA. – Activities related to the Charter for the Right to the City, (details are not yet confirmed) If you think you can be in Barcelona and will participate to these activities, please let us know your full name and address; for the purpose of the accreditation to the Forum, send us your passport number, place and date issue and expiry date. For more information related with HIC activities in Barcelona contact: HIC General Secretariat email: general.secretary@hic-net.org website: hic-net.org For more information related with Forum Barcelona urban dialogue, see: ‘City and citizenship for the 21st Century’ (Jordi Borja and Mirela Fiori) website: http://www.barcelona2004.org/ For more information related with WUF (13-17 September 2004) see: website: http://www.unhabitat.org/wuf/2004/default.asp
Evicted and Forgotten: The Gendered Consequences of Nairobi’s Riparian Evictions
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