Those who read our last newsletter (mid-April) will recall that we consulted you in regard to your interest, opinions and possibilities to participate in the Quito Forum. To date we have received responses from colleagues in Brazil, Cuba, Peru and the Dominican Republic. The deadline to register activities within the Forum expired earlier this month. Below we outline the workshops and seminars which we registered as the regional HIC office. In addition, attached you will find a short form (see Word file) with questions in regard to your plans to contribute to the Forum process and Quito Forum. We are asking all organizations to please fill out the form and return it to us no later than 24 May. This information will provide us with an overview of HIC member plans and contributions and allow us to coordinate and synergize our efforts. Please keep in mind the 31 May deadline for inscription of organizations and delegates. The inscription fee is 50 USD per organization (including one delegate) and 25 USD per delegate. HIC-AL ACTIVITIES A) Workshop on Women and Adequate Housing – Date: 26 July – Organizers: Social Watch and HIC-AL – Networks involved: HIC-WAS. We are consulting with UNIFEM on the possibility for their collaboration. – Contents: This workshop will follow up on the Regional Consultation organized on this issue in late 2003. The results and follow-up actions of the Consultation (with printed materials) will be presented and debated, and the UN Special Rapporteur on Housing Rights, Miloon Kothari, may participate in the Quito events. B) Seminar on the World Charter for the Right to the City – Date: 27-28 July – Organizers: National Forum on Urban Reform (Brazil) – Networks involved: HIC, ALOP, Action Aid, COHRE, Metropolis Watch, Right to the City Watch. – Contents: As you know, HIC and several other organizations and networks have been working on the World Charter for the Right to the City initiative for several years. It has been presented and discussed among diverse actors within the World Social Forums II, III, and IV, and other local, national, regional and international events. It will also be presented in Barcelona in September at the Universal Forum of Cultures and the World Urban Forum (UN). The Quito Seminar – conceived as another step in this collective process – will advance debate on the contents and promotion strategies of this new instrument. C) Workshop on Millennium Objectives and Human Rights – Date: 27 July (may overlap with World Charter Seminar; final dates and times will be confirmed by the Social Forum Organizing Committee closer to the Forum). – Organizers: Social Watch, ALOP, CLADEM, PIDHDD and HIC-AL – Contents: the agenda is currently being discussed D) Workshop on globalization, Megaprojects and Human Rights – Date: 29 July – Organizers: HIC-AL – Contents: The decision to organize an exchange on this issue developed out of the related work and concern of more and more HIC-AL members in several Latin American countries. Progress to date in the studies and documentation collections we are carrying out will be presented, and possible joint actions will be debated. We think it will be a good moment to exchange experiences (of threats and violations as well as struggle and resistance options and local/national/regional “development” alternatives) and discuss opportunities and possibilities to advance in building more fruitful and democratic linkages and alliances toward strategies respectful of the human rights of all the inhabitants, communities and peoples of our America. E) Latin American HIC members meeting This meeting would take place parallel to and outside of Social Forum activities. – Date and location: yet to be established following final confirmation of Forum activities. – Organizers: HIC-AL office and regional HIC Board members – Contents: Information exchange and discussion of progress and proposals in relation to the regional strategy and plan of action (agenda yet to be defined – please send us any suggestions or comments). While we have attempted to avoid dispersing our energies in too many activities, as you can see the schedule will be heavy. For that reason, we ask and insist that you please inform us of your organizations’ and networks ‘ participation plans in order for us to coordinate and thereby reap the greatest potential from all of our efforts. Thank you for sending your responses no later than 24 May. With our warmest greetings, Lorena Zárate Habitat International Coalition Latin American Regional Office (HIC-AL) Tacuba # 53, 1er piso, Col. Centro 06000 Mexico D.F. MEXICO Tel: +52 55 55 12 15 86 Tel and Fax: + 52 55 55 12 67 26 PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW E-MAIL:
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