Habitat International Coalition (HIC) convokes its Annual General Assembly to be held before the World Social Forum (WSF), in Dakar, Senegal, on February 5 and 6, 2011

The proposed agenda for the day-and- a-half meeting is the following:

1.       1.Revision of the quorum

2.       2.Welcome by HIC President and Khady Diagne, ENDA Rup

3.       3.Revision and approval of the agenda

4.       4.Approval of the minutes of the previous GA meeting (Rio 2010)

5.      5. General Secretariat’s report and audit

6.       6.Regional and thematic reports

7.     7.  HIC Gender Mainstreaming

8.       8.HICademy

9.       9.HIC global strategy

10.   10.HIC strategy within the WSF

11.   11. Next GA meeting

12.   12. Closure

HIC will be holding internal meetings from February 2 to 4.

The WSF opening march will be held in the afternoon of February 6.


On February 7 there will be a visit to Gorée Island, the old port of the slave trade and where the House of Slaves Museum is located.


The HIC General Secretariat calls on all HIC members to send your comments and proposals related with this proposed agenda and the motions that you would like to present during this General Assembly.



HIC at the WSF 2011


On the WSF website, you will find information about the WSF events.

HIC, in collaboration with other partners, is registering three WSF activities that will be held on February 8 and 9 in Pikine and Guediawaye, the two main periphery neighbourhoods of Dakar, as part of the World Assembly of Inhabitants (WAI):

1.       Housing and HIV/AIDS
2.       The Right to Water and Sanitation

3.       Articulating Land Rights and the Right to the City

About HIC and the WAI:

–  HIC participates in the WAI as part of a global urban-rural convergence on the right to land, water and the right to the city.

–  HIC, No Vox and the International Alliance of Inhabitants (IAI) trust the capacities of the local Senegalese Organizing Committee (COS) to organize activities in the urban periphery

–  HIC will support the dissemination of the WAI on a special page of the OpenFSM site

–  HIC does not agree with the IAI call to consider the WAI as the starting point towards “Via Urbana”. Instead, HIC along with No Vox and COS, agreed that the WAI is a step forward in the long process towards urban-rural convergences on habitat issues. The urban movements, networks and organizations have to strategize common goals and actions. We cannot use a parallel name to Via Campesina who is working towards food sovereignty.


Please confirm whether you will be attending the HIC General Assembly and WSF in Dakar as soon as possible, along with your travel details.


For the purpose of the HIC General Assembly and WSF activities, the General Secretariat has reserved accommodation for 35 people (15 private rooms and 10 shared rooms for 2 people) located very close to the Cheikh Anta Diop University, where the WSF will be held, for a cost between €250-300 Euros per person for the entire stay during HIC and WSF events (from February 2-10).


For further information, please visit the HIC at Dakar blog or contact the General Secretariat at gs@hic-net.org.

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