Gwangju World Human Rights City Forum 2013

Thematic Workshop 4: Architecture and Human Rights

Convention Center, 3rd Floor (C309)

16 May,
16-17.50 hs.

Discussant: Lorena Zárate
(Habitat International Coalition, HIC – Mexico City)

Main points:

I.-Relevance of the human rights approach for housing and the city:

Universal, inherent to every human being (not just for
those who can pay).

Right to adequate housing is not just a roof over the
head but includes several components: 1) security of tenure; 2) access to
services, materials, facilities and infrastructure; 3) affordability; 4)
habitability; 5) accessibility; 6) place; 7) cultural adequacy.

Right to the city, 6 strategic principles: 1) human
rights for all in the city; 2) social function of land and property; 3)
democratic management of the city; 4) social production of habitat and
productive habitat; 5) responsible and sustainable management of the commons in
the city and the surrounding areas (natural resources, energy, waste, cultural
heritage, etc.); democratic enjoyment of the city.

II.-Relevance of the professional training from a human
rights approach:

Understanding people’s processes, needs and assets;

Approaching solutions with flexibility, respect for non-academic
knowledge and diversity;

Being aware of the need for and integral and
multi-interdisciplinary approach (housing and human settlements and complex to
understand and manage).

III.-Relevance of advocating for public policies, not only pilot

Understanding the role of the state from a human
rights approach: respect, protect, realize/ fulfill –under progressivity and
non-regression principles;

Addressing inequalities, prioritizing attention to
population living under vulnerable conditions;

Paying attention to methodologies and processes (who, how).

* To download the 2013 WHRCF
statement, click here.

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Profesor Emérito de Planificación del Desarrollo en el University College de Londres Con profunda tristeza anunciamos el fallecimiento de Yves Cabannes, urbanista visionario, activista apasionado y apreciado colega. Yves nos [...]