GPR2C News – September / October 2015

The Right to the
City: the needed cornerstone for the Habitat III Agenda

Habitat III is a crucial moment to reformulate the life in
human settlements. In that context, the Right to the City is a critical tool to
ensure that all inhabitants have a place where to live with dignity, in
sustainable, democratic and just territories.
Article by: Isabel Pascual

Interview with Ana Falú

Ana Falú is an architect and social activist for human rights
and the rights of women. Interview with She is one of the founders of the Women
and Habitat Network of Latin America, a Global Platform for the Right to the
City’s Member.
(Available in Spanish)

GPR2C Statement on Core Messages for Habitat III in the
World Habitat Day 2015

We launch a strong call for the inclusion of the Right to the
City as the cornerstone of the New Urban Agenda and of the responsibility of
all the actors for its implementation.
Statement by: Global Platform for the Right to the City

GPR2C demands youth participation a year before
Habitat III’s New Urban Agenda

Campaign For the Right to the City “It is not a city if
it doesn’t include everyone”.
(Available in Spanish)
Campaign by:
Habitat International Coalition, Hábitat for Humanity, TECHO, CLACSO y Polis

Habitat III ‘policy
units’ experts announced

These 200 individuals are now tasked with offering
recommendations on the New Urban Agenda. Though the announcement comes after
considerable delay, the experts will still have to deliver initial drafts by
the end of the year.
News by: Citiscope

What room for the Right to the City in Habitat

How will the Right to the City be incorporated into Habitat
III? How will Habitat III remain accountable to the commitments of Habitat I
and II and build new commitments towards more just and inclusive development?
Article by: Rafaella Lima,Alexandre Apsan
Frediani andBarbara Lipietz


Regional meetings:
Africa –28 November, parallel to Africities 2015 –29 November- 3 December
3 2015

Asia –20 December, in the framework of The 3rd Urban Social Forum 2015-18-19  December, 2015, Surabaya, Indonesia
Europe: first trimester of 2016 (place and
date tbd).
COP21 Paris– 7-8 December 2015
View All Events


Encuentro y Reflexión: Retos del Derecho a la Ciudad y de
la defensa del Territorio, el sábado (5)

Shouldn’t the New Urban Agenda be a binding agreement?
Digital vs.
analogue at Habitat III meeting on civic engagement

International Coalition: Llamado a la conformación de Comités Populares rumbo a
Hábitat III

GPR2C participa
en la Cumbre sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible en Nueva York

Partners on
Twitter: Communitas Panel on SDGs and Habitat 3

At U.N.,
traditional development concerns overshadow sustainable urbanization

GPR2C in the
World Habitat Day Celebration in NYC

La Plataforma
Global en la celebración del Día Mundial del Hábitat

Octubre 2015:
Jornadas Mundiales cero desajolos y derecho al territorio

Do We Have a
Right to the City?

GPR2C Activities on General Assembly Partners Meeting and
Habitat 3 Agenda

Urban Spaces and the mattering of Black Lives
La gentrificación en 8 documentales
Nota pública: Fórum Nacional de Reforma Urbana no Dia
Mundial das Cidades

GPR2C exige participación juvenil a un año de la nueva
agenda urbana en Hábitat III

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Profesor Emérito de Planificación del Desarrollo en el University College de Londres Con profunda tristeza anunciamos el fallecimiento de Yves Cabannes, urbanista visionario, activista apasionado y apreciado colega. Yves nos [...]