General Assembly minutes, Medellín 2014

Attendees (see
detailed list in annex 1): Yasser Abdel Qader
(YA), Giovanni Allegretti (GA), Edgar Arroyo (EA), Marie Bailloux (MBa), Dito
Barbosa (DB), Antonia Barón (AB), Matt Boms (MB),
Jordi Borja (JB), Renata Boulos (RB), Julio Caledonio (JC), Ana Beatriz Cárdenas (AC), Marisol Castillo (MC), Francisco Comaru (FC), Ana
Carolina Cortés (AC), Leticia Cruz (LC), Beatrice de Carli (BD), María Clara
Echeverria (ME), Silvia Emanuelli (SE), Carlos Estrada (CE), Alex Fresdiani
(AF), María Lourdes García (MG), Ramiro García (RG), Silvia Guimarães (SG),
Gustavo González (GG), Olivier Grobet (OG), Mónica Hernandez (MH), Sandra
Hiromi (SH), Alex Jacknow (AJ), Ernesto Jiménez (EJ), Fanny Jirón (FJ), Michael
Kane (MK), Rajaa Kassab (RK), Graciela Landaeta (GL), Rocio Lombera
(RL), José Mangini (JM), José Víctor Mañueco (JM), Amada Martinez (AM), Emily Mattheisen (EM), Anelise Meléndez (AMe), Zama Mgwatyu (ZM), Jaime
Miyashiro (JM), Mariela Mon (MM), Enrique Ortiz (EO), Isabel Pascual (IP), Fidel Pizarro (FP), Álvaro
Puertas (AP), David Quezada (DQ), Santos Quispe (SQ), María Stella
Rincón (MR), Gustavo Riofrío (GR), María del Carmen Rivera (MR), Amina Roa (AR), Paulo Romeiro (PR), Tomás Rondon
(TR), Cyril Royez (CR), Leticia Salinas (LS), Luz Amparo Sánchez (LAS),
Georgina Sandoval (GS), Michael Shapcott (MS), Joseph Schechla (JS), Josef
Schulte-Sasse (JSS), Nomvuyo Simetu (NS), Nelson Saule Jr. (NSj), Ana Sugranyes
(AS), Antonia Terraza (AT), Klaus Teschner (KT), Esteban Torres (ET), Pascale
Thys (PT), Pedro Vázquez (PV), Rolando Velarde (RV), María Eugenia Veliz (MV),
Albert Ventura (AV), Rabie Wahba (RW), Pauline Yao (PY),
Lorena Zárate (LZ) y Fernando Zerboni (FZ).

translation: EN EN FR assumed by 5 Babels translators.


Lorena and Alvaro

1. Welcome
message from the President of HIC

LZ: It is a joy to see such a large assembly, with so many
people from so many parts of the world (Germany, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada,
Chile, Colombia, Ivory Coast, Cuba, Ecuador, USA, Egypt, Spain, El Salvador,
The Netherlands, Honduras, England, Morocco, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, South
Africa, Switzerland and Uruguay), and many familiar faces and many other new.
We have Álvaro Puertas here, the new HIC Secretary General; Ana Sugranyes, the
outgoing Secretary; Enrique Ortiz, former HIC President ; the General
Secretariat team: Isabel and Marie; the HLRN team, Yasser, Rabie, Emily and
Joseph; HIC-AL Coordinator, Silvia; Board Members, Pauline Yao, Rajaa Kassab,
Michael Shapcott, Dito Barbosa and Michael Kane.

also to our hosts, Cecilia Inés, Head of the “Escuela del Hábitat” (CEHAP) of the Faculty of Architecture of
the National University of Colombia (UNAL) and Edgar Arroyo, Dean of the
Faculty of Architecture of the UNAL.

EA: It is a great pleasure to have you here, coming from
different parts of the world, we have worked together. Our University is
participating in WUF and we invite you to visit us in our stand and participate
in our parallel activities.

CI: As “Escuela
del Hábitat
” (CEHAP), we are excited and pleased that the Coalition is
being our partner, due to HIC´s global position building critical thinking and
also because of its participation in WUF´s activities. We started cooperating
and working with Latin American countries, a process that further involved
Africa and Asia; we gather to fight for equity which is UN-Habitat call´s issue
and we think there is still much to do. She introduces María Clara Echevarria
and Carmenza. Thank you and I wish you success in your assembly.

LZ: Thank you, please be our guest. This is the restart of
our collaboration.

continue with the HIC Members’ assembly that is yours. Our agenda is full of activities,
inside and outside the WUF during this week in Medellin; with different actors,
the National University, local and international organizations. We held HIC´s
Board Meeting on Saturday and Sunday; we also visited several local communities
suffering from serious situations of repression, killings, victims and pain. We
will participate in a march on Tuesday and you are invited to bring HIC
materials; you are the Coalition. We constituted a Working Group for HIC
visibility which will share all the news and events during this week. There is
an alternative forum, very divided, and another counter-hegemonic forum but we
do not have more details. It is a political challenge to articulate with many
movements and organizations and bring our critical and proactive message within
the forum. We talk about social and spatial justice and equality but not only
for development, we talk about “cities for life”, a slogan that arose
from the civil society organizations (CSO) during Habitat II. It is an historic
occasion, soon the Habitat III conference will take place in 2016 and if we
want to bring a strong voice there, we have to work together. This conference
is the opportunity to join forces and define a clearer message backing over
Habitat I, from which HIC emerged. We have on the agenda the discussion of
different projects and proposals, and we are excited because we may do many
things together. It is a very special moment so let´s take advantage of it.

also wanted to welcome Babels translators and thank them.

download the complete minutes, please click here.

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Profesor Emérito de Planificación del Desarrollo en el University College de Londres Con profunda tristeza anunciamos el fallecimiento de Yves Cabannes, urbanista visionario, activista apasionado y apreciado colega. Yves nos [...]