Follow-up of HLRN elections

I. General Information:

In accordance with the Guidelines for Electoral Processes, an Elections Committee (EC) was constituted with three volunteer members, Barry Pinsky, Victor Kawanga and Bola Fajemirokun and with the support of Angie Balata (HLRN Coordination Office) and Marie Bailloux (HIC Secretariat). After consultations among the EC members, it was agreed that Bola Fajemirokun should serve as Coordinator. The new timeline for the elections was agreed as follows:

1. Calling for volunteer to constitute the Electoral Committee (EC) (Jan.29)
2. Constitution of the EC: 3 volunteer HLRN members with gender/geographical diversity, they cannot be candidates (Feb.1 -Feb.19)
3. Set of electoral process by EC (Feb.20)
4. Call for nominations identifying candidates (Feb.20-March 12)
5. Communication of the electoral process to HIC Board Members via HIC GS (March 15)
6. Electoral process members sending e-mail to EC
Opening date: March 17
Closing date: Apr. 6
Votes counting and verification: Apr. 8
7. Communication of the electoral results to HIC Board and HIC members via HIC-GS (Apr.8)

II. Nominations:

A total of two nominations were submitted. These were for:

1. Shivani Bhardwaj
2. Joseph Schechla

N.B. Ibrahem Alamh had indicated an interest in being nominated but as a volunteer friend for HLRN, he was informed that he did not satisfy the requirement that the nominee should be an active member of HLRN.

March 15th 2006

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