Extension of deadline for set up of Electoral Committee – HIC-NAM election

Due to a lack of volunteers to set
up the EC, the deadline will be extended for 2 weeks, starting on April 21st,
ending on May 5th 2017 (11:59 pm GMT).

More details about the Requirements
for EC Volunteers and the tasks to fulfil are available on

In case you would like to be part of
the Electoral Committee, please send your name to gs (@) hic-net.org

Following the
requirements of the HIC By-law, only organization members in good standing will
have the right to be nominated as candidate for this process. In case your
organization is not in good standing with the Coalition, you still have the
opportunity to renew membership. Should you have any concerns regarding
membership fees or in kind contributions, please contact Marie at HIC-GS.

Let’s revitalize the region of North
America (United States and Canada) together!

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Profesor Emérito de Planificación del Desarrollo en el University College de Londres Con profunda tristeza anunciamos el fallecimiento de Yves Cabannes, urbanista visionario, activista apasionado y apreciado colega. Yves nos [...]