WSF 2018: Resistir é Criar, Resistir é Transformar

Resistance Encounter

The dreams of
humanity today are confronted with the fundamentalisms of wars and xenophobia
and systems of domination with their new ways of striking liberties and
democracies.The ability to resist is violently challenged.That is why the
organizations and movements aligned with the Charter of Principles of the World
Social Forum again call themselves together to gather their diversity of
struggles and join forces for resistance.

Salvador 2018 will
be this moment of encounter: horizontal, self-managed, determined.If you
agree with the WSF Charter of Principles, you are already a part of it.Contribute,
in person or at a distance.The Salvador meeting will be networked, with
everyone who wants to participate.

Axes of
The WSF 2018: Topics

1. Ancestrality, Earth and Territoriality

2. Communication, Technologies and free

3. Resistance Cultures

4. Democracies

5. Democratization of the Economy

6. Development, Social and Environmental

7. Right to the City

8. Human Rights

9. Education and Science for Emancipation
and Sovereignty of Peoples

10. Feminism and Women’s Struggle

11. LGBTQI + and Gender Diversity

12. Anticolonial Fights

13. Migrations

14. World of Work

15. Black Lives Matter

16. A World without Racism, Intolerance and

17. Future of the WSF

18. Indigenous Peoples


it is to participate individually, as an entity and / or to propose an
activity, it is necessary to
register on the site
 before 20 of February.

* More information.

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