World Social Forum 2016’s event: The Fight for the Life of the Global City

At the moment, the majority of the world’s population live in cities,
but life there is defined by displacement due to development, increasing
privatization and speculation of housing stock, “informal” housing tenure, and
criminalization of homeless and other marginalized communities.

In the face of these encroaching dangers, activists have signaled new
strategies, alliances and tactics in a call for a “Global Right to the City.”

This workshop looks at the current efforts at stemming the tide of
gentrification and displacement from grassroots activism (PAH) to human rights
framework (Argentina), the case of the migrants, as well as using the United
Nation as a platform for a new urban agenda.

August 12, 9:00am to 11:30 am, RM-130, UQAM

Shivani Chaudhry, HIC-Housing and Land Rights Network, India
Toñi Vasquez, PAH International, Spain
Facundo Filippo, former Buenos Aires City Legislator, Argentine
Gün Tank, RLS executive board, Commissioner of Integration in
Tempelhof-Schöneberg (Berlin)
Moderator: Kazembe Balagun, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York Office

Organized by: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung

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