Call to the HIC General Assembly 2017 Meeting in Nairobi

Date: Tuesday
October 10, 9am-2pm

Location: Desmond Tutu
Conference Centre (DTCC) / Waiyaki way, 00800-Westlands Nairobi, Kenya / Click here to view the location (google maps)

Habitat International Coalition (HIC) convokes its
Annual General Assembly 
be held in Nairobi, Kenya,on
October 10th 2017.

We invite all
HIC members, Friends and Allies to participate in the General Assembly meeting,
which is part of an entire programmed continuum event, also including a
Regional Event in Africa, a HIC Human Rights Habitat Observatory workshop and
other Coordination meetings, taking place at the Desmond Tutu Conference Centre
(DTCC) in Nairobi. These events are hosted by Kenyan HIC Members Mazingira Institute (Davinder Lamba) and Pamoja Trust (Steve Ouma).

Please note that
the General Assembly is an open event; HIC Members are encouraged to invite
other local partners to join the meeting. In case you are planning to attend
the meeting in presence, please contact HIC General Secretariat at, in order to receive the logistic information and, in case it
would be necessary, request an invitation letter to facilitate your visa
request. Please make sure to confirm your participation as soon as possible!

We would like to
remind you that it is necessary to renew your membership in order to vote in
the General Assembly meeting. In
order to make sure that your organization has the right to vote, please contact
Marie at

If you are
unable to participate in the meeting personally, a proxy may be
given to another HIC member with the right to vote. Click here to download the proxy form, and be sure to fill
it out and send it to the General Secretariat before 30 September.

consult the visa information here.

any further information, contact HIC-GS at:

Your participation is very