Our demand is for a public consultation to be undertaken on implementation of the projects. We aim to uncover the official privatizing policies in relation to housing production, and direct attention to the experiences of social organizations in this ield. We also demand access to state resources for housing production. We will debate the issue of the right to the city and to housing int eh city of Xalapa, as part of reflections on democratic management of the city, in particular for the projects: Xalapa sanitary landfill: Xalapa Freeway, and Urban Zoning Program for outlying urban border of Xalapa. The local and federal governments are attempting to impose these initiatives without considering social, political, and technical opinions in order to undertake the projects within a democratic perspective
Campaña global para que los Estados cumplan su obligación de poner fin a la complicidad con la violación de los derechos de los palestinos y palestinas por parte de Israel
Los miembros de la Coalición Internacional del Hábitat se unen en esta campaña para poner fin al genocidio que está llevando a cabo Israel en la Franja de Gaza y [...]