Urban development cooperation needs innovative solutions. Despite many efforts, international assistance is far from addressing the challenges faced by cities in developing countries. Whilst some cities are the engines of economic growth, those in the developing world have alarming levels of poverty. This represents a major social toll, and also jeopardizes economic prospects due to the pervasive effects of poverty on labour productivity. Researchers and practitioners have devoted great attention to the role of multilateral and bilateral agencies and NGOs on urban development assistance. Corporate social responsibility has hardly been analysed, and this book seeks to raise the awareness of academics and practitioners about its value, while also noting its limitations. The book places specific emphasis on the relations between private companies and low-income communities, presenting a variety of case-studies leading to recommendations for further research and practice.
Declaración del Encuentro Internacional por Ciudades Igualitarias
En el marco del U20, organizaciones sociales, movimientos populares, redes de la sociedad civil, integrantes de la academia y autoridades locales comprometidas con la igualdad, los derechos humanos y la sustentabilidad se reunieron en Buenos Aires para proponer un compromiso común por Ciudades Igualitarias.