Conference: Claiming the City – Civil Society Mobilisation by the Urban Poor

Half of the world’s population lives in cities, and a
growing proportion – today one billion – lives in “slums” and informal
settlements. Many of the urban poor engage in collective strategies to secure
their housing, earn a living, and defend their interests. Their claims on the
city often conflict with the demands of other urban groups over access to
resources, space, and power. They also challenge the definitions of urban
authorities and city planners regarding which claims are to be seen as

This conference will focus on informal and formalised
networks and associations of urban poor – as well as other civil society
organisations working in support of their claims – and their significance for
strengthening people’s political, social and economic position in the city. We
invite researchers and students, actors within international development
cooperation, activists, and others with interest in the issues to participate.

Keynote lectures:

Urbanisation from below

Satterthwaite, Senior Fellow, International Institute for Environment
and Development, UK

The right to the city: Principal issues

Zárate, Habitat International Coalition (HIC)

Claiming the city

Representatives from organisations of urban poorin Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the US,
describing their work on different dimensions of urban poverty and
– Community-driven, city-wide upgrading of slum housing
– Informal economic strategies: street vending and waste

Municipal urban planning together with urban poor

Twolocal authoritiesfrom different continents (to be confirmed)

Towards an inclusive urban planning

Mitlin, Professor of Global Urbanism, The University of Manchester, UK

Conference chair: Henning
, Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, Uppsala, Sweden

Topics to be addressed during the afternoon parallel
sessions are:

Sessions with introductory

Working with social mobilisation among urban poor:
What are the main challenges for donor-driven NGOs?

Chair and introduction: Diana Mitlin

Panel with organisation representatives from day 1 (to
be confirmed)

Climate change adaption and disaster risk prevention
by urban poor: Community action and municipal governance

Presentations: David Satterthwaite
Organisation representative from day 1 (to be confirmed)

Sessions with paper

Contested urban visions in the global South

Chairs and introduction:
Ilda Lindell, Stockholm University, Andrew Byerley, Stockholm University,
Onyanta Adama, Nordic Africa Institute, Sweden

Violence and urban politics (paper

Chair and introduction:Steffen
Jensen, Danish Institute Against Torture (DIGNITY)

Participants will be asked for parallel session group preferences upon
confirmation of registration. Information about session groups will be
continually updated on our conference website

Time: April
16-17, 2013

Missionskyrkan, S:t Olofsgatan 40, Uppsala

Registrationno later than March 15, 2013 to

For more information, please
see the
conference web site, 

or, contact or

(Suggested hotel across the street from venue: Hotel
Uppsala, see conference website for information)

There is no conference fee, and lunches and coffees
are free for registered participants.

NB! Participation only the second day is not an


Deadline for submission of abstracts for parallel
sessions is February 8, 2013.
Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance by March 4, 2012. Read more at

* To download the Preliminary Programme, click here.

* To download the Conference invitation, click here.

Mia Melin

Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development



752 36 Uppsala, Sweden


Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Profesor Emérito de Planificación del Desarrollo en el University College de Londres Con profunda tristeza anunciamos el fallecimiento de Yves Cabannes, urbanista visionario, activista apasionado y apreciado colega. Yves nos [...]