Call to vote for 4 motions submitted to the HIC General Assembly

Dear HIC Members,

Following the virtual meeting of the 2018 HIC General Assembly celebrated on Wednesday, December 12, 2018, that counted with the participation of 48 persons between Members, Contacts, Board Members and Teams of HIC Structures, we submit to the vote of the HIC Members in good standing the following 4 motions:

1. – Approval of the Proposed Agenda for this General Assembly Meeting 2018 –consult

2. – Approval of the Minutesof the General Assembly Meeting 2017 in Nairobi, Kenya –consult the Minutes on

3. – Approval of the Financial Reports corresponding to 2014, 2015 and 2016:

4. – Approval of the nomination of Ms. Ana Falú as additional Representative to the Board for Women’s and/or Feminist Movements:

Submitted by Ana Sugranyes on behalf of SURCorporación de Estudios Sociales y EducaciónCHIMO003:
“Considering the challenges between 2019 and 2020 of new HIC faces in the Presidency and in the HIC GS;
And, therefore, the great need to consolidate the Board’s capacity;
Considering also the attributions given by the HIC Constitution (2013) and later by the HIC By-Law (attributions, by now, not yet used);

The motion proposes to appoint immediately an additional Board Member in representation of the feminist movements; an internal decision by the Board Members; but with the request for support from this General Assembly 2018;
Appointing Ana Falú for this other Board Member; Ana Falú from Argentina was founder and still is an active partner of the Women and Habitat Network LA; she knows the Coalition for many years – not to say decades –; she already was HIC Board Member during the late 90s and in the beginning of the 2000s; she also has been an important HIC Vice President who contributed to build alternatives during the institutional crisis of 2001-2003.”

If your organization is on the attached list, please send us your vote of the 4 motions above before January 9, 2019, by mail to

In advance, we thank you, and wish you joyful holidays and send you our best greetings for a happy new year 2019!


Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Profesor Emérito de Planificación del Desarrollo en el University College de Londres Con profunda tristeza anunciamos el fallecimiento de Yves Cabannes, urbanista visionario, activista apasionado y apreciado colega. Yves nos [...]