Call to nominate candidates for HIC President 2019-2023

Dear Members of
Habitat International Coalition (HIC),


Warm regards from the
Electoral Committee (EC) Members that are conducting the process for the
election of the next HIC President for the 2019-2023 mandate. We have approved
by majority the Rules of Elections and the Calendar that you will find attached.

We are now launching
the process with the nomination of candidates starting today, Monday August 19th
2019 and lasting until Friday September 13th 2019 (11:59pm GMT).

We remind you that Eligible Candidates to the HIC President position
shall be representatives of a HIC organizational Member in good standing for at
least three (3) years at the time of the nomination (
Paragraph 21, HIC By Law, 2014)
and that Eligible Candidates shall be
nominated by a minimum of five (5) HIC Members in good standing for at least
one (1) year at the time of the nomination, and based in any region (
Paragraph 22, HIC By Law, 2014).

The responsibilities of the
President are described in paragraphs
54 to 61 of the By Law

– Representing the Coalition
and being HIC spokesperson on a global level.
– Lead and orientate HIC
declarations such as making calls for solidarity or denouncing housing rights
– Chair the General Assembly
and the Board Meetings.
– Supervise the execution of
the Board decisions and be in permanent contact with the General Secretariat.
– Attend the meetings of HIC
Reference Centres and support
fundraising processes.
– Attend events and campaigns
of allies.

– Being proactive when tackling
specific problems of the Coalition.
– Provide the Coalition
regularly with reports of his/her activities.

According to the requirements of the HIC Constitution and the By-law,
organization Members in good standing with their contributions will have
the right to nominate, be nominated and vote for the election of HIC President.
Therefore, we now call on HIC Members with right to vote to actively
participate in this electoral process in order to promote an opportunity to
debate, exchange ideas and opinions on the mission and current and future tasks
of HIC. If your name is not listed on the HIC Members with right to vote on
August 19th 2019, please check the section “1/ How to be a member in good standing? Membership activation or
” on our FAQ here.

To check whether you are a HIC Member in good standing, click here. If you are not a
HIC member in good standing, we urge you to become one.

Thank you for sending
your nominations before Friday September 13th 2019 (11:59pm GMT)
our email that has been specially created for the matter of the President
We remind you that Eligible Candidates shall be nominated by a minimum of five
(5) HIC Members in good standing for at least one (1) year at the time of the
nomination, and based in any region.

email should state:
– your name
– the organization you represent

your HIC member code (stated on the list)

the name of the person you nominate as candidate

the organization the person you are nominating belongs to


Electoral Committee:
Maiztegui (Argentina), Irene Escorihuela (Spain), Barry Pinsky (Canada),
Humphrey Otieno (Kenya), Khadim Dahot (Pakistan), Khalid Alkhawaldeh (Jordan)

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Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

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