Call to contribute, comment and inform for the UN Rapporteur on Adequate Housing report

The UN Special Rapporteur on adequate housing invites interested civil society actors to share contributions, comments and information for her first report to the Human Rights Council on the issue of the responsibilities of governments at the sub-national level (state, provincial and municipal) in the implementation of the right to adequate housing. The report will be presented in March 2015, at the 28th session of the Council, but must be submitted early December 2014.

The report will focus on the role of governments at the sub-national
level (state, provincial and municipal) who are seen to be increasingly
central in the implementation of international norms and standards on
the right to adequate housing. In many countries sub-national levels of
government hold key responsibilities for a range of programs and
policies linked to adequate housing, including not only housing
programmes and strategies, but also other issues such as income
assistance, support to particular marginalised and vulnerable groups,
and provision of water, sanitation, electricity and other utilities, or
implementation of strategies to address homelessness.

Please find a questionnaire (in English, Spanish and French) available,
where you can make contributions to the Special Rapporteur’s report.

The questionnaire aims at identifying key challenges, illustrative
examples of issues, and new and innovative strategies that have been
developed to address these issues. Please bear in mind that the Special
Rapporteur does not intend to address the detailed distribution of
responsibilities in each country but would like to learn from and become
familiar with multiple experiences and practices around the world.
Please feel free to send your answers in English, Spanish or French, as
soon as possible but no later than Friday, 31 October 2014 via email to: Note that all responses to the Questionnaire will
be posted on the Special Rapporteur’s official webpage, except if
indicated otherwise.

Please also find the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing’s report to
the General Assembly (A/69/274), which outlines some of the priority
themes and issues that she intends to address in her mandate. This
report will be presented in New York at the end of October:

Best regards,

Civil Society Section
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Tel. +41 (0) 22 – 917 – 9656 Visit our website:

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