Rules for Regional Elections for HIC Representatives in Latin America

Latin America, August 2014

After an initial statement release
in May on the electoral process to choose HIC representatives in Latin America and another in June on the formation of the Election Committee
(EC), here we share the final rules
under which elections will be governed. This document was prepared
by the Election Committee, which
includes: Paola Bagnera, who serves as president, Vivienda Social y Ciudad (Social
Housing and City) (Santa Fe, Argentina),
Carmen Gonzalez, FUPROVI (San José, Costa Rica),
Carlos Estrada Casarín, Ocupa tu
Ciudad (Occupy Your City) (Guadalajara,
Mexico), Jancarla Loayza Medina (Cochabamba, Bolivia).

Two important dates to remember:

Publication of the election rules and
candidate nominations: July 7 to
September 14, 2014
(initially September 1).

First deadline for the review of the electoral register: September
(initially September 1).

HIC members accredited
by the Council, the Secretariat and the regional office,
who have paid at least a share from the beginning of their membership and are up to date on their contributions through the
annual fee payment (valid for 12 consecutive months) make up the electoral register.

Others can also join the register as members with
voting rights. This includes organizations that have:
made other contributions to the
Coalition in the past three years,
participated in regional or global
HIC events and covered their own travel expenses
and/or accommodation, supported HIC
national or international activities conducted in their country, stayed active in
the Member Space and/or online surveys
related to the HIC operations, among
other relevant actions. For this second group of members, an online survey was
developed that we ask to please
complete before September 14 at:

First statement
“Electoral Process”

Committee Confirmation Announcement

Latin America Elections Rules 2014

Mensaje de fin de año 2024 de HIC

Mensaje de fin de año 2024 de HIC

Estimados-as Miembros-as, Amigos-as y Aliados-as de HIC, Al concluir el año 2024, el SG de HIC les desea un final de año lleno de alegría y descanso. Es un placer [...]