Document: Building Community, Ed. Bertha Turne, Building Community Books, London, 1988 – John F C Turner

Building Community
A third World Case Book
Ed. Bertha Turner
Building Community Books, London, 1988

* Download extracts from the book as pdf:

Community, Prelims.

Contents, Acknowledgements, Author’s Preface and Foreword.


Settlements of Zambia (HUZA), Lusaka.

NGO promotes community development.

Kebele 41,

Community – based urban development in Ethiopia.

Cement Project (PPCT), Ruhengeri.

A local alternative to Portland cement in Rwanda.

Tarime Rural
Development Project (TARDEP).

Rural people improve their housing in Tanzania.

Ukanal Fé,
Oussuye, Casamance.

Young people develop their community in Senegal.


Pakistani women lead a low-cost sanitation project.


Renters take over and transform an Indian slum development.

Banyu Urip, Indonesia.

Indonesians participate in inner-city settlement improvement.

Klong Toey,

A slum community’s thirty-year struggle in Thailand.

Orangi Pilot
Project, Karachi.

A low-cost sewer system by low-income Pakistanis.

Village 1, Greater Manila.

Philippino squatters become secure home owners

Village Reconstruction
Organisation (VRO

Coromandel Coast.
Landless rural Indians build new villages.

Sosial Soegiyapranata (YSS), Semaranang.

New homes and improved lives for Indonesian scavengers.

Co-operativista Uruguayo, Complejo Bulevar and Mesa 1, Montevideo.

High-rise management and low-rise self-build co-operatives.

Augustino Zone III, Lima.

Peruvians redevelop their inner – city settlement.

Mexico City.

Tenement renters buy and rebuild their Mexico City homes.

Alto Co-operative, Metropolitan Mexico.

Rural migrants secure tenure housing in Mexico.

Villa Chaco
Chico, Córdoba.

Argentinians secure tenure and develop their settlement.

Villa El
Salvador, Atacongo, Lima

Low-income Peruvians build a new township

Construction Collective (WCC), Kingston.

Skills and employment for Jamaican women.

Issues and

* To know
more about John Turner’s pioneering and influential work on housing in
development, click here.

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