HIC General Assembly Notice

Date : (9th to 11th) 12th of February, 2008
Place : Rambla del Poblenou 156, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Sede 22,

08018 Barcelona, Spain

Time : 9:30 → 13:30

Habitat International Coalition (HIC) convokes all its members to this year’s General Assembly that will take place in Barcelona (Spain) in the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. The Barcelona HIC Global Events begin with the HIC Board meeting on the 8th of February. The Assembly will be carried out through three and a half days taking in account three days for Strategy Development Workshops –from the 9th till the 11th, combining Assembly and Board inputs– and culminating in the space for making decisions based on the four previous days of work, the General Assembly, on the morning of the 12th.

Ample participation will allow a better mix of activities between the Board meetings and the General Assembly.

All HIC members welcome!

  1. The following proposed agenda:
  2. Verification of Quorum
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Welcome and Introduction by HIC President, Davinder Lamba
  5. Approval of the Minutes of the General Assembly of Nairobi, January 2007
  6. HIC Global Report 2007
  7. HIC Strategic Development
  8. Review of Electoral Guidelines/ Bylaws
  9. Financial Report
  10. Definition of location of next GA
  11. Closure

After the General Assembly, in the evening of February 12th , Women and the Right to Housing Seminar will be held at the Pati Manning –Montalegre, 7, 08001 Barcelona–, organized by HIC and Observatori DESC, sponsored by the Catalan Cooperation Agency (ACCD). For further information, click here.

HIC-GS / Santiago, 08.01.2008

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