About me
Lorena Zárate
In 2004 and 2005 she participated in the elaboration and dissemination of the World Charter for the Right to the City. She also collaborated with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing and with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in the elaboration of thematic reports and recommendations for national and local governments regarding measures to guarantee the rights to land and housing and the right to the city on a global scale.
She is author and co-author of several articles for publications in Latin America, North America, South Africa and Europe, as well as compiler and editor of several books on issues related to the right to housing, the social production of habitat and the right to the city.
HIC President Blog
CIDOB talk: Lorena Zárate
El derecho a la ciudad es una bandera política reivindicada desde hace varias décadas por la sociedad civil en diferentes contextos regionales (aunque, de manera especialmente fuerte, en América Latina). [...]
Land, housing, city – Our rights are not commodities!
HIC Message on World Habitat Day, by Lorena Zárate, President of HIC.
Lorena Zárate: “Las ciudades no se expanden por la migración, sino porque son un negocio”
En su densa visita a la capital catalana –que ha incluido un debate con la alcaldesa Ada Colau y una conferencia con el teniente de alcalde Gerardo Pisarello– Zárate ha respondido a las preguntas deLa Vanguardiasobre los desafíos de las ciudades y de un planeta cada vez más urbanizado.
Earthquakes, Constitutions, Urban Planning and Social Change: Lessons and Controversies from Mexico
Struggles for spatial justice, human rights, and democracy are interconnected and have a long history in Mexico City. As the previous official slogan claimed, this is a “City in Movement”. So let’s get inspired and keep going.