Rise Africa Event

Learning from and across African cities: Emancipatory pedagogies for transformative change – Rise Africa event

Join us for an upcoming workshop titled ‘Learning from and across African cities: Emancipatory pedagogies for transformative change, which will take place on Tuesday 25 May 2021 from 13:00 to 15:00 SAST (find your local time here).

This workshop is co-organised by the Habitat International Coalition and Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality programme, and is part of ICLEI Africa’s “RISE Africa Festival”. RISE Africa is ICLEI Africa’s new annual event that will inspire impactful actions for enhanced sustainability and resilience in Africa’s urban areas.

This workshop aims to distil learning practices developed in a range of domains, including activism, advocacy and social mobilisation, to collectively craft a declaration of pedagogic principles that aspire to guide emancipatory learning for action from and across urban Africa.

The workshop will have simultaneous translation EN-FR. To register, please go to  https://bit.ly/3aNHPsI   

There are over 45 sessions across the 5 days of the event (24-28 May 2021) and you can read more about RISE Africa and sign up for other events here https://riseafrica.iclei.org/join/

We hope to see you there!


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