HIC exige justicia social ante la crisis del COVID-19

En vista de la actual situación de crisis del CoVid-19 y de las medidas de gran alcance anunciadas por los Estados, la Coalición Internacional para el Hábitat desea enviar un mensaje de solidaridad, pero también hacer un llamamiento a la justicia social en la lucha contra el virus. Una vez más, nos encontramos ante un reto mundial que debe ser afrontado desde la perspectiva de la justicia social y los derechos humanos.

En las próximas semanas, muchos estados implementarán medidas que afectarán a todos-as los-as ciudadanos-as. Lo que está en juego es si las medidas adoptadas rescatan a las personas en lugar de los intereses económicos. En este contexto, pedimos el reconocimiento, defensa y la plena realización del derecho de todas las personas a vivir en un lugar seguro y digno, y llamamos a aplicar, entre otras medidas, las siguientes:

  1. Justicia social – protección de los más vulnerables: las personas sin hogar y las que viven sin una vivienda adecuada son un grupo muy afectado en esta crisis. Hacemos un llamamiento a los gobiernos locales y nacionales y a la comunidad internacional para que se ocupen de las necesidades críticas de las personas sin hogar durante el brote de la pandemia.
  2. Moratoria en el pago del alquiler. Una vez más, los sectores más vulnerables de la población no podrán pagar el alquiler y para muchos otros-as, esto se convertirá en una carga importante en un contexto en el que la economía comienza a estancarse y los ingresos disminuyen.
  3. Moratoria de los pagos de hipotecas. Debe ponerse fin al cobro de deudas e intereses por parte de las instituciones financieras a personas, familias y pequeñas empresas.
  4. Detener los desalojos forzosos. Ahora más que nunca hay que poner fin a las violaciones de los derechos relativos al hábitat, a menudo cometidas en nombre del “desarrollo” y la “mejora de la calidad de vida”.
  5. Es hora de reclamar el valor de los servicios públicos y los bienes comunes, y de aprovechar esta crisis para detener la privatización de estos servicios esenciales. Ahora es el momento de intervenir todos los recursos sanitarios privados y ponerlos al servicio del interés general.

Desde HIC hacemos un llamamiento para que este desafío mundial en materia de salud se convierta en una oportunidad para el cambio social, poniendo a las personas en el centro, protegiendo los derechos humanos de todas las personas y haciéndole frente mediante la solidaridad, la justicia, el establecimiento de redes de apoyo y las alianzas globales.

Mensajes de HIC


All measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic require that we avoid violating the human rights of others and create and maintain a human rights habitat for human well-being to prevail.


HIC will continue to work for the human right to adequate housing, precisely because confinement is one of the fundamental measures to avoid contagion.

Miembros, Amigos-as y Aliados-as de HIC frente al Covid-19

Comunicados de los-as Miembros, Amigos-as y Aliados-as de HIC

Latin America and the Caribbean


ACIJ launches a campaign : #LaViviendaEsUnDerecho (Housing is a Human right): States must ensure access to decent housing and adequate sanitation, which are now vital to protect against the pandemic.

Habitar Argentina: Propuestas urgentes de medidas para combatir el COVID desde una mirada integral del hábitat (Urgent proposals for measures to combat the COVID from a comprehensive view of the habitat)

Madre Tierra shares some proposals in the face of the current crisis: “In the framework of the crisis by #Covid19, we share the proposal of an emergency national policy on habitat”



Corporación SUR – Segundo Foro Global Ciudades y Coronavirus: Los Impactos de las Políticas (Second Global Cities and Coronavirus Forum: The Impacts of Policy). Video of the presentation by Ana Sugranyes (HIC/Ciudad Común) y Alfredo Rodríguez (Corporación SUR): Video / Presentation: QuédateEnCasa, Graphic


HIC-AL together with others institutions and individuals launches a collective statement : urgen medidas para afrontar la pandemia del coronavirus desde una perspectiva del derecho a la vivienda adecuada (urgent measures to address the coronavirus pandemic from a right to adequate housing perspective)

Sub-Saharan Africa


Development Workshop Angola – Summary of the Emergency Action of Development Workshop Angola:

At this time of the COVID-19 crisis, more than half of Angola’s populations do not have access to piped potable water for consumption or basic hygiene in their homes. Many of the most vulnerable families obtain water from community standposts and wells with handpumps or have to buy water from water vendors. The maintenance of the supply of water to Angola’s most vulnerable families, living in high-density slums (where the Corona-virus could spread rapidly) is of the utmost importance. Development Workshop has promoted community water committees and trained women caretakers as water managers in key provinces across the country. At this time of the COVID-19 pandemic the role of community water managers has become pivotal, but also a high-risk activity. Development Workshop is leading an  emergency action to mitigate the transmission of the Corona-virus through the highly critical point of water-collection to Angola’s most vulnerable communities. The protection of front-line “water caretakers” is a main objective, as is the prevention of virus transmission at the water-collection point where people are obliged to meet. The action also uses the network of water committees to mount a public campaign on hygiene and anti-COVID-19 education.

Humanitas Solidaris a mené au Cameroun des actions relatives au Covid 19.


Video diaries from Nairobi: Navigating food insecurity in times of the COVID-19 pandemic

To gain insights into the effects of the pandemic and navigate and cope with the resulting uncertain job, income and food production and supply spaces, TMG Research in partnership with the Mazingira Institute, is giving food system actors, from producers to consumers, a platform to report through video dairies, on their very own experience and navigation of securing their food and livelihoods.

Mazingira Institute is also documenting the local food production and distribution situation in Nairobi during the COVID-19 crisis.



DAG is sharing important information/guidelines for people living in informal settlements to protect themselves from Coronavirus in South Africa.

Middle East and North Africa

South Asia

Yuva India launches the campaign #TogetherWeCan, “Our relief efforts continue to help most vulnerable families in need”. Support to help people #StaySafe #COVID2019



Reseau Urbain: Viral Open Space initiative is reuniting people from around the to share and discuss positive & creative community responses to the crisis





North America



Right to the City Alliance: Cancel the Rent Campaign


Cities for Global Health : an initiative from Proyecto Al-Las, UCLG and Metropolis

International Alliance of Inhabitants: Appel International: Zéro expulsion à cause du Coronavirus

Leilani Farha, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing: “Housing, the front line defence against the COVID-19 outbreak,” says UN expert

UNICEF calls for an Agenda for action to protect the most vulnerable children from the impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.

HIC Members, Friends and Allies Events:


Presentación de los resultados del proyecto «Reconstrucción Integral y Social del Hábitat en el Istmo de Tehuantepec» 

Un espacio para reflexionar desde distintas perspectivas sobre la experiencia de acompañamiento en la emergencia por los temblores y los retos actuales en el marco de la pandemia por COVID–19 de Cooperación Comunitaria.

4 de junio 2020
18:00 h (GMT-5)

Por favor confirma tu asistencia con tu nombre y correo a comunicacionCC@cooperacioncomunitaria.org para que te enviemos la liga de acceso al webinar.

Webinar Cooperative Housing Development  Thinking Outside the Box

UrbaMonde and Co-operative Housing International, partners of the CoHabitat Network, invite you to a conversation with cooperators and project managers developing cooperative housing in Europe and beyond.

June 2 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Video available here

Remote pedagogies for social learning

Post COVID-19 Urban Futures webinar series – No. 6 Hosted by: Adriana Allen & Julia Wesely co-organised with the Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality (KNOW) programme and Habitat International Coalition (HIC)

Video available here

June 2 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

More info

Lecturas Feministas sobre ciudades y territorio, desigualdades frente a la pandemia #COVID19”

Organizado por la Red Mujer y Hábitat

June 2 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Más info


Journées d’action – Droit au Logement

Des militants du Droit au Logement organisent deux journées d’action le 30 & 31 mai pour demander le gel des loyers, une saison blanche des expulsions et la réquisition des logements vides

30 et 31 mai 

Conversación: Cooperación Comunitaria sobre la reconstrucción del Mural Códice Humboldt Fragmento 1 / Códice Azoyú Reverso2 Mariana Castillo

Mural Códice Humboldt Fragmento 1 / Códice Azoyú Reverso 2, para dos edificios comunitarios de la montaña de Guerrero. Un proyecto de Mariana Castillo Deball en colaboración con las comunidades de Malinaltepec y Cooperación Comunitaria.

Saturday,30th May 

Video disponible 

Webinar: Eviction response during and after COVID-19

Land Rights and COVID-19 webinar and discussion series was presented by Land Portal, Landesa, the Global Protection Cluster HLP AOR and GIZ, with organizing support from Environmental Peacebuilding Association, LANDac, New America and the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID). The 2nd webinar in the series on Eviction response during and after COVID-19 will took place on Wednesday, May 27th, 2020. The webinar was co-hosted by the the Environmental Peacebulding Association, GIZ, the UNHCR’s Global Protection Cluster on Housing, Land and Property (HLP) Area of Responsibility (AoR), LANDac, Landesa, the Land Portal Foundation, New America and the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) on Eviction response during and after COVID-19.

27th May 

Video disponible 


Agenda de derechos de los feminismos, disidencias y diversidad

Conversatorio Virtual en el marco del Día Internacional de Acción por la Salud de las Mujeres

29 de mayo

Más info

YUVA Webinar  ‘Indian Cities and the Nation-wide Lockdown’

This webinar series ‘Indian Cities and the Nation-wide Lockdown’ will focus on the pandemic, its resultant lockdown and the impact on lives and livelihoods of the urban poor, vis-à-vis local responses (both government and non-government). Register and join the discussion!

28th May

More info

Webinar Cooperative Housing Development  Thinking Outside the Box

UrbaMonde and Co-operative Housing International, partners of the CoHabitat Network, invite you to a conversation with cooperators and project managers developing cooperative housing in Europe and beyond.

This webinar will provide real accounts from people involved in developing new housing cooperatives. Organizaed by Urbamonde.

Wednesday,13th May – 16:00 CET

Register here

OcupaTuCiudad: Foro por el  Derecho a la Vivienda Adecuada, México

Primer Foro Virtual: Por el Derecho a la Vivienda Adecuada: retos y estrategias post COVID19, que realizará

13, 20 y 21 de mayo

Video disponible

Derecho a la Ciudad en tiempos de pandemia que será dictada por Raquel Rolnik (FAU-USP) (Right to the City in Times of Pandemic by Raquel Rolnik (FAU-USP)

6 de mayo a las 09:00 horas de Ecuador (GMT-5) / 6th May 9h00 am Ecuador time (GMT-5)



Volunteer responses to COVID-19: what can we learn moving forward?

This webinar is co-hosted by the UNESCO Chair in Adult Literacy and Learning for Social Transformation and the Institute for Volunteer Research (IVR).

Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 2:00 PM (GMT).

More info

The Israeli Occupation is alive and well under COVID-19 lockdown

Israeli violations in the occupied Palestinian territory have skyrocketed during the coronavirus pandemic. Mondoweiss’ Palestine correspondent Yumna Patel will speak with representatives of rights groups Al-Haq and Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel about how the rights of Palestinians in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory continue to be violated on a daily basis.

29 April 2020

Video available

Learning from African post-pandemic experiences to tackle deep inequalities

Post COVID-19 Urban Futures webinar series – No. 3 hosted by Adriana Allen and Rita Lambert. Co-organised with Habitat International Coalition (HIC) and Sierra Leone Urban Research Centre (SLURC)

28 April 2020, 2:00 pm–3:00 pm

Video available :Learning from African post-pandemic experiences to tackle deep inequalities

More info

Foro virtual: Lecturas feministas sobre ciudades y territorio (Virtual Forum: Feminist Perspectives on Cities and Territory)

Inequalities in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Women’s voices and exchange of experiences / Desigualdades frente a la pandemia del COVID-19. Voces de las mujeres e intercambio de experiencias

28 April 2020: en los siguientes horario: 08.00hs Centroamérica / 09.00hs Colombia/Perú /10.00hs Chile / 11.00hs Argentina/Brasil / 16.00hs España/Francia.

Inscriptions / Realiza tu inscripción al foro en este link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_B7IVBkOzTY6aIS6FuP_I4w

More info

Let’s think about Habitat/ Pensemos el Hábitat

The cycle of interviews of Mother Earth “How we think the habitat” continues. To address and discuss gender issues in relation to habitat, we will talk to academic and feminist activist Ana Falú
Join the Instagram of @madretierra1985

22 April at 20h (GMT−4)

More info

Webinar COVID-19 – Global discussion: Confronting systemic human rights violations during COVID-19

Join ESCR-Net members in a webinar to discuss the crisis prompted by COVID 19: the impacts, conditions that have contributed to those impacts and emerging demands.


 22 April – 9:00 a.m. EST,

More info

Global Platform for the Right to the City Assemblies

Assembly 1 – Adequate housing, popular economy and the right to the city – Date: April 17, 2020 (Friday)

Assembly 2 – Right to the City, integral health and protection of life – Date: April 23, 2020 (Thursday)

More info

Insights from HIC to face the Covid-19- Adriana Allen – HIC President

FLACSO: Segundo Foro Global Ciudades y Coronavirus, los impactos de las políticas (Second Global Forum on Cities and Coronaviruses, the impacts of policies)

16th April, Ecuador, more info

Video available

Virtual meeting with HIC Members in Africa

As the COVID-19 emergency hits Africa, HIC called for a virtual meeting with all Members in the region to establish a space for collective learning and action. In the meeting, HIC Members voiced their concerns and experiences, as well as the measures already being taken in their countries. The meeting also served to hear Members’ needs and how the Coalition could support their national and regional efforts.

9 April 2020

more info about the meeting

#BeyondTheOutbreak Live Learning Experience by UCLG, UN Habitat and Metropolis


HIC Latin America Regional Meeting

30th March, more info

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Homenaje a la vida y el legado de Yves Cabannes

Profesor Emérito de Planificación del Desarrollo en el University College de Londres Con profunda tristeza anunciamos el fallecimiento de Yves Cabannes, urbanista visionario, activista apasionado y apreciado colega. Yves nos [...]