Second Preparatory Committee (Prep Comm 2) of Habitat III Conference

Date: 14-16 April 2015

Venue: United Nations Office at Nairobi
Gigiri – UN Avenue P.O. Box 67578 Nairobi, Kenya 00200.

Pre-registration: The
deadline for Non-governmental organizations and major
pre-registration is 1 March 2015.

for side-events:
deadline to submit proposals is 1 March 2015, via email to:

Criteria for
the selection of side-events: (i) thematic links to Habitat III; (ii) relevance
to the Post 2015 Development Agenda and Habitat III; (iii) number of partners
involved in organizing and hosting the side event: (iv) quality of the

Habitat III
Secretariat will select a maximum of one proposal per
organization. All applicants
will be informed on the outcome of the selection process by15
March 2015.

* To download the draft information note for
participants, click here.

* To know more about the Prep Comm 2, click here.