Application to the international exchange visit to the ‘Caprichando a Morada’: Living well is part of human dignity

‘Caprichando a Morada’: Living well is part of human dignity
An international study visit will be carried out from 7th – 13th November 2010 to the ‘Caprichando a Morada’ rural housing project in southern Brazil.
About the project

The COOPERHAF rural housing cooperative was established in 2001 by the Workers’ Federation of Family-Based Agriculture (FETRAF-SUL/CUT) to address the critical housing needs of very low-income agricultural families in Brazil. A participatory approach is used to mobilise and organise families and help them build, improve or expand their homes. The project also focuses on creating sustainable livelihoods through capacity building, forming cooperatives and diversifying agricultural production thereby increasing income generation opportunities and ensuring food security… more

Purpose of the visit

The purpose of the visit is to provide an in-depth understanding of the practical techniques, training methods and project management approaches used in each award-winning programme. Intensive site visits form a major part of the study visit, providing an opportunity to study all aspects of the programme and to meet those responsible for its success.

Limited bursary funds are available for those requiring financial assistance with international travel costs.

Click here to apply online.
Deadline for applications: Friday 9th July 2010