Belgium. Register for FEANTSA seminar on Homelessness among EU mobile citizens

The event will explore the reasons behind why mobile EUcitizens are vulnerable to homelessness, particularly with regard to precarious
working conditions. It will build on experiences lived by individuals as
reported by homeless service providers, as well as on the analysis of whether
EU law – directive 2004/38 and related case law – foresee minimum safety
guarantees and access to services for mobile EU citizens who are economically
It will feature several perspectives on the theme: not only that of
institutional stakeholders and service providers, but also of cities as one of
the main actors in the integration of mobile EU citizens who have to find
solutions for those who have not succeeded in their migration journey.
The main objectives of the seminar are not only to raise the issue with regard
to destitute mobile EU citizens and to analyse the link between precarious work
and homelessness, but also to have an exchange about possible short and
long-term solutions involving, as far as possible, all relevant stakeholders.

* More information.