Cities 2030, Cities for all: Implementing the New Urban Agenda

The official programme of the World Urban Forum 9 has just
been launched. Find it online on!

The online registration period for WUF9 will end on 15 January
2018. Each participant at the World Urban Forum must be
registered individually to attend the conference, a registration
by organization is not allowed. The registration is free of charge.
Everybody who has registered online will be able to collect
his/her individual badge to access the venue at the WUF9
Accreditation Center.
The Ninth session of the World Urban Forum will take place from
7 to 13 February 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. WUF9 is the
key platform to discuss the implementation of the New Urban
Agenda and the urban dimension of the Sustainable
Development Goals.

It is the the world’s premier conference on urban issues,
established in 2001 by the United Nations. WUF9 is one of the
most open gatherings in the international arena, for exchanging
views and experiences on urban challenges.

Find out more on | #wuf9 | #NewUrbanAgenda

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