WUF9 Side Event. Global models for safe and secure homes: learning form World Award winners

Hear from the 2017World Habitat Award winners about how their housing solutions have made a
positive impact to thousands of people’s lives.

Self Recovery Housing (Philippines)
helps communities self-recover and
rebuild their own homes and livelihoods after the world’s largest typhoon hit
in 2013. (Project run by CARE Philippines and implementing partners)

Housing at Spring Lake (USA)
provides seasonal agricultural workers in
northern California with energy efficient permanent year-round homes and
empowers residents with new opportunities in education and community life.
(Project run by Mutual Housing California.)

The World Habitat Awards are organised annually as a
collaboration between World Habitat (formerly Building and Social Housing
Foundation) and UN-Habitat to identify and celebrate the most innovative and
sustainable practice in housing, with a particular focus on helping low income
and vulnerable groups. These have, over the years, included projects working on
issues such as eliminating street homelessness, developing affordable housing
solutions through women-led movements, establishing safe homes in contexts of
conflict, community-led slum upgrading, innovation in post-disaster
reconstruction, housing focused on and driven by marginalised populations, and

During this event, people directly involved with the
award-winning projects (Post-Haiyan Self Recovery Housing and Mutual Housing at
Spring Lake) will explain how their work has contributed to solving housing
issues. They will also outline what transferable lessons can be drawn from
stakeholders working to deliver the New Urban Agenda and SDGs.

Attendees will learn about how the projects have been carried
out to deliver inclusive housing, the impact on the communities they work in,
and how these lessons can be replicated. There will also be an opportunity to
ask questions, share observations and discuss experiences and challenges.

We hope to see you there!

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