HIC at the World Social Forum 2018

Resistance Encounter

The dreams of
humanity today are confronted with the fundamentalisms of wars and xenophobia
and systems of domination with their new ways of striking liberties and
democracies.The ability to resist is violently challenged. That is why
the organizations and movements aligned with the Charter of Principles of the
World Social Forum again call themselves together to gather their diversity of
struggles and join forces for resistance.

Salvador 2018 will be this moment of encounter: horizontal, self-managed,
determined.If you agree with the WSF Charter of Principles, you are already a part of it. Contribute, in person or at a
distance.The Salvador meeting will be networked, with everyone who wants
to participate.

List of activities organized
by HIC’s Members and Allies. (This information will be continuously

1. Lutas e Pr?ticas coletivas do
Direito ? Cidade: Neoliberalismo Urbano ou Vida em Comum?

Date😕8:00, 14
de Arquitetura – Audit?rio 2
Organizers:?Grupo de Pesquisa Lugar
Comum (Brasil)

2. Nuestros cuerpos, nuestros
barrios, nuestros territorios.
Construyendo perspectivas feministas de y desde los debates sobre el
derecho a la ciudad

Date😕11:00, 14
I – Sala 208
Organizers:?Madre Tierra (Argentina)

3. How to advance in the implementation of the Right to the City?Training workshop based on Brazilian and International Experiences.

Date😕9:00 ? 12:00, 15 March
VI – Sala 4
Organizers:?Brazilian Institute of Urban Law and the Global
Platform for the Right to the City

4. Produ?ao Social da Moradia:
resist?ncia contra a mercantiliza?ao da casa e da cidade

Date😕9:00, 15
VI – Sala 5
Organizers:?Uniao Nacional Por Moradia Popular

5. Acordo Mercosul-UE: negocia?oes
em regime de urg?ncia

Date:?9:30, 15 March
Place:?Geoci?ncias Audit?rio A
Organizers:?Rosa Luxemburgo NY

6. Reinvent
the city! Public Activity on the Right to the City from a Global Perspective

Date:?16:00, 15 March
Place: Terreiro de Jesus – centro hist?rico de Salvador
Organizers:?Global Platform for the Right to the City

Taller 10: Por una Frente de Resistencia Urbana para la construcci?n de
territorios de Bien Vivir
y Vida Digna en Am?rica Latina

15 March
Place: Tenda Novos Paradigmas
Organizers: Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Teto ? MTST.

8. Moradia ? central

Date:14:00, 16 March
Place:?Faculdade de Arquitetura – Audit?rio 1
Organizers:?Uni?o Nacional Por Moradia Popular

9. Desemprego em massa e trabalho
informal: organiza?ao pol?tica para resistir e construir alternativas futuras

Date:14:00, 16 March
Place:?Geoci?ncias Audit?rio A
Organizers:?StreetNet Internacional

10. Mulheres da Moradia na
constru?ao do Direito ? Cidade

Date:?16:00, 16 March
Place:?PAF I – Sala 206
Organizers:?Uni?o Nacional Por Moradia Popular

11. Extractivismo Urbano – Impacto
del capitalismo en las ciudades en nuestro continente

Date:?15:30, 16 March
Place:?Geoci?ncias – Audit?rio A
Organizers: Centro de Estudios y
Acci?n por la Igualdad CEAPI (Argentina)

12. Convergence
Session on the Right to the City – Strategies and Perspectives for Global and
Regional Action

Date:?18:00, 16 March
Place:?Faculdade de Arquitetura – Audit?rio 2
Organizers: Global Platform for the Right to the City

Join HIC in
Salvador, Bahia!

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