High-Level Political Forum 2019


The High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) is the main United Nations platform on sustainable development and it has a central role in the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the global level.

During the event, voluntary reviews of the 2030 Agenda are carried out among member countries, relevant UN entities and other stakeholders. In 2019, 49 countries (8 for the second time) have volunteered to present their national voluntary reviews. Among the main themes to be discussed under the revision are: education (goal 4); economic growth employment and production (goal 8); inequality (goal 10), climate change (goal 13); access to justice (goal 16) and global partnerships for sustainable development (goal 17).


HIC will be taking part on the event along with the Global Plattform for the Right to the City, as was done in 2018. The participation of HIC and the GPR2C aims to give visibility and raise awareness about local and global struggles for the Right to the City and to monitor the implementation of the SDG’s, particularly Goal 11 (“Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”). This was one of the goals revised during the 2018 event, for which both HIC and the GPR2C organized a series of events and activities.

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