The shoebox flat is our housing crisis in microcosm
Our homes are shrinking in size and rising in cost, while a lack of supply means we can’t even choose where and how we live
Our homes are shrinking in size and rising in cost, while a lack of supply means we can’t even choose where and how we live
At the request of the European Social Forum and to coincide with World Habitat Day, a meeting to discuss housing and land rights issues entitled the Divided City was held by London Social Forum at Limehouse Town Hall in East London on Sunday 1 October 2006. Speakers and delegates came from across Europe and from further afield.
There is currently a multifaceted crisis in housing supply, particularly of affordable social housing. This has arisen from decades of the privatisation of the existing social housing stock combined with gross underfunding of new building. Into this crisis comes the Olympic games ‘gentrification’ effect to compond the crisis at the poor end. But agencies dealing with the homelesss are currently trying desperately to deal with another unplanned- for effect of the ‘enlargement’ of the housing market. Read the document ” Probable impacts of the Lower Lea Valley Developments (particularly the Olympics phase) on tenants in privately rented accommodation,” prepared from research by Martin Slavin.