Translocal Pedagogies in Planning Education for Urban Equality
Does planning education have the capacities to address urban inequality? This workshop will provide an opportunity to interrogate the role of translocal learning, critical pedagogies, and situated practices in the quest for re-framing urban planning education.

London Citizens Housing Manifesto 2016
The London Citizens Housing Manifesto, 2016 has been developed through a rigorous, democratic process led by our 220 member institutions across London. This document outlines the result of that process and makes four proposals to tackle the housing crisis.
London Habitat Campaigns Re-examined: Exploring the Role of International Alliances for Local Action
07 December 2017 | 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm.This event will discuss how London civil society campaigns and advocacy activities can relate, support or draw from international housing and urban development campaigns.

London. DSA meeting: Interrogating the New Urban Agenda
With the participation of Álvaro Puertas, HIC’s General Secretary