Become a member

The strength of HIC is based on its worldwide membership, relating in a same approach to civil society organizations, social movements, community-based or professional bodies, voluntary agencies, and research, scientific and educational institutions as well as individuals with a specific compromise on habitat issues. HIC brings together organizations of diverse origins, scales, and natures.

Members share the Coalition’s objectives, and collaborate with activities developed by HIC. Members also make contributions as determined by the Board, thus gaining their right to vote to design the overall strategy of HIC and to propose candidates for HIC governing Board.

Individuals join the Coalition as HIC Friends. HIC Friends can make contributions as HIC Members but do not participate in elections and voting procedures.

For more information on the list of contributions, please read the HIC by Law and the HIC Constitution.

For more information on the benefits of HIC Membership, please visit.

Fill and submit the HIC Member/Friend form or contact marie@hic-net for more information.

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