To read the minutes download the attached document.
The decisions of the General Assembly were:
- The agenda is approved (unanimous)
- Approval of the Minutes of the previous General Assembly, Barcelona, September 2004. (15 votes, 9 abstention)
- Support the international campaign for the Housing, Land and City Rights Day. (unanimous)
- HIC will convoke the 2005 International Housing and Land Rights Day with the reference of Defending the Right to the City, to disseminate the Charter and to adapt it to the diversity of contexts. (unanimous)
- General agreement about this global issue. Task force will make the links between housing and water privatisation. Will work also on the more specific urban housing problem in European and North American countries. All the members are asked to post reports at the website that the Berlin Tenants Union has created for this purpose. Create a page within HIC website devoted to these struggles to keep this debate. And participation at the Russian conference in August to advance this issue. (unanimous)
- There is a two-month term to receive candidates proposals to extend social movements participation at HIC Board