Call to nominate candidates for the women and feminist movement Representative to the HIC Board


Information sent to HIC Members to call to nominate candidates for the position of HIC Board Representative for women and feminist movements

The term of the current HIC Board Representative for women’s and/or feminist movements, Ana Falú, is coming to an end and HIC hereby launches the call to nominate Candidates for the position of women and/or feminist movements representative at the HIC Board.

This call is open to female candidates from all regions. The duration of the position is  4 years (2024-2028), with an option to renew once. Note: proposed candidates do not need to be HIC Members (as outlined in the HIC Constitution).

The focus of the position is to represent women’s and/or feminist movements from all regions and to play a key role in cross-regional political reflection, solidarity and articulation of advocacy at the intersection of habitat and gender, in close collaboration with HIC’s cross-regional working group on feminist approaches and with the support of the HIC General Secretariat. The role will also require engagement with regional working groups (e.g. the HIC Women and Habitat Africa Working Group) and regional and cross-regional allies. The role is critical and it demands a strong commitment to be effective.

Composition of the HIC Board

According to the HIC Constitution, the HIC Board comprises the President, six people who are elected by HIC Members with a mandate of regional representation (Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and North Africa, North America), and three people who are invited with a mandate of thematic representation:

  • one invited Member representing women and/or feminist movements
  • one invited Member representing social movements
  • one associated Member representing discriminated groups and minorities

To ensure gender representation and balance, the HIC Board is inviting a female candidate from any region to act as representative of Women and/or Feminist Movements.

Election, invitation or association of Board Members

Article 9.3 of the Constitution details the process of election, invitation and association of Board members:

“Members from social and women’s and/or feminist movements are designated by the Board from among a list of candidates proposed by HIC Members in consultation with allied social and women’s and/or feminist movements. Social and women’s and/or feminist movements invited to the Board include primarily international or regional networks or alliances of community-based/social organizations working for common objectives. Board Members of social and women’s and/or feminist movements are from different regions.”

Election, invitation or association of Board Members

Article 9.3 of the Constitution details the process of election, invitation and association of Board members:

“Members from social and women’s and feminist movements are designated by the Board from among a list of candidates proposed by HIC Members in consultation with allied social and women’s and feminist movements. Social and women’s and feminist movements invited to the Board include primarily international or regional networks or alliances of community-based/social organizations working for common objectives. Board Members of social and women’s and feminist movements are from different regions.”

Recommended criteria for candidates:

  • Work with women and / or diversities for at least 10 years
  • Actively involved in a women’s and/or feminist movement for at least 10 years
  • Experience in cross-regional collaboration with women’s and/or feminist movements from other regions
  • Experience in advocating in relation to regional and global agendas
  • Rootedness in a human rights based, intersectional feminist approach

Requirements for nominating (a) candidate(s):

The requirements set out in HIC’s By Law article 23 are:

  • The representatives of Social Movements, Women’s and/or Feminist Movements and Discriminated Groups or Minorities do not need to be HIC Members at the time of their appointment.
  • These representatives shall be nominated by HIC Members in consultation with social movements, women’s and/or feminist movements and discriminated groups or minorities.
  • HIC Members participating in these nominations shall be in good standing for at least one (1) year at the time of the nomination and be up to date with their contributions

This means that Members that are willing to nominate should be in good standing with the Coalition.

Please send the name(s) of proposed candidate(s) to the HIC General Secretariat at by 24 April 2024. The nomination must include the following documents in PDF:

  • A signed nomination letter by a HIC member in good standing
  • A message of interest by the candidate
  • Two letters from groups in the women’s / feminist movement endorsing the candidacy.

The Board and HIC General Secretariat will guide and support the whole process.

We look forward to receiving your nominations!

Kind regards,


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