HIC announces the set up of the Presidential Electoral Committee


The current term of Adriana Allen, HIC President, will expire in few months. The next four-year term will run from 2024 through 2028. The ongoing election process is being coordinated by the Electoral Committee composed of 6 volunteers, with geographic and gender balance:

Mrs. Pascale Thys
Member organization: Habitat et Participation – Belgium – Region: Europe
Mrs. Efemena Ozugha
Member organization: Rooftops Canada – Canada – Region: North America and Canada
Mrs. Meena Menon
Member organization: Working People Coalition – India – Region: Asia
Mr. Hilary Zhou

Member organization: Zimbabwe People Land Right Movement – Zimbabwe – Region: Africa
Mr. Ahmed Sourani
Member organization: Gaza Urban Agriculture Platform – Palestine – Middle East and North Africa
Mr. Edgar Ramírez
Member organization: Asociación Servicios a Programas de Desarrollo e Investigación – Guatemala – Region: Latin America and Caribbean

We thank Mr. Khalid Gindeel of the Kushian Society for Developments & Human Rights (USA) and Mr. Julio Clavijo of Secretariado de Enlace de Comunidades Autogestionarios (Argentina) for sending us their offer to volunteer for the EC, and for their willingness to support this process, but we had already accepted volunteers for these regions.

The Electoral Committee will shortly be communicating the election guidelines, timetable and call for candidate nominations via HIC’s global mailing list, web pages and social media.

We remind you that, for requirements of the HIC Constitution and the HIC By-law, only organization Members in good standing with their contributions will have the right to nominate candidates and vote.  For membership fees concerns and other in-kind contributions, please contact Marie (marie@hic-net.org).

We thank all the 6 Electoral Committee Members and wish them best luck!

Click here to read the text in Arabic:Set up of the Electoral Committee