World Urban Forum 10 Abu Dhabi

The World Urban Forum, convened by UN-Habitat, has become one of the most relevant international gatherings on sustainable urban development.

HIC will participate at the Tenth Session (WUF10) to advocate for sustainable and inclusive urban development, promoting the role of civil society in the implementation of international agendas: the Agenda 2030 and the New Urban Agenda. HIC and the Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) and its Members have successfully participated in several of the previous gatherings and consider the WUF an important forum to advocate for Habitat Rights and for the Right to the city.

The theme of the Tenth Session (WUF10) is Cities of Opportunities: Connecting Culture and Innovation. The Summit will therefore focus on the linkages between urbanization, culture and innovation as a basis for inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and human settlements. This topic is clearly connected to several of the components of the Right to the City.


►Stakeholder Engagement Mechanisms for Sustainable Development

Joseph Schechla, Housing and Land Rights Network – Habitat International Coalition Coordinator, participates at this networking event to provide an opportunity to stakeholders to critically review stakeholder collaboration and engagement mechanisms within the context of Stakeholder Collaborative Implementation Framework and develop practical measures to generate practical actions.

Sunday, February 9, Hall 2: Room 6 14:00 – 16:00. 

Heritage beyond history: Towards a sustainable and inclusive historic urban core

IHS, HIC Member,

Sunday, 9 Feb 2020, 14:00

Challenging the Culture of Planning: New Ways of Addressing Inclusionary Housing Through Land Use

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy; Martim Smolka, Claudio Acioly Jr., UN-Habitat; and Cynthia Goytia, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella.

Monday 10 February CS7 9:00 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M.

Innovation and Culture in Bridging Social, Economic and Spatial Divides

Enrique Silva, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy; Changxiong Deng, Guangzhou Foregin Affairs Office; Octavi de la Varga, World Association of the Major Metropolises; Emilia Saiz, United Cities and Local Governments; Hurren Betul Levent Erdal, Mezitli Municipalilty; Ilsur Metshin, City of Kazan; and Heidi Mendoza Barrau, Municaplitiy of La Paz Moderated by Nicholas You, Guangzhou Institute for Urban innovation

Monday 10 February ROOM A 9:00 A.M. TO 10:00 A.M.

Cities of integrity – innovative approaches to tackling corruption and cultivating a culture of integrity, trust and openness in urban development

HIC Member, Development Action Group, participates.

Sunday, February 9, 2020 14:00 – 16:00

Networking Event: Global Innovations in Land Value Capture for Sustainable and Equitable Cities

HIC Member, Development Action Group, participates.

Sunday, February 9, 2020 430-630pm

The localization of the SDGs and the NUA: lessons from the GOLD V Report

HIC President Adriana Allen will participate in the above UCLG session offering a perspective from the Coalition on bridge-building between local authorities and civil society to advance transformative action towards the Right to the City.

Monday, February 10, 2020, 16.30 – 17.30 –  Room B (session Vc-B24) 

►“Mobilizing local research for global agendas: connecting regional networks to encourage sustainable urban development across research and policy cultures in the global south.” 

Malick Gaye, Executive Director Enda Rup, particiates at this session.

Monday 10 February 14h00-16h00

Who’s Afraid of Theory of Change

Innovative planning tools for project formulation with sustainable impact
Monday, 10 Feb 2020, 09:00

►Celebrating Cultural Diversity through Urban Leadership

IHS, HIC Member

Monday, 10 Feb 2020, 14:00

Creative cities are safer cities

IHS, HIC Member

Monday, 10 Feb 2020, 16:30

Civil Society Organizations Roundtable

HIC President Adriana Allen will participate in the Civil Society Organizations Roundtable.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020 13:30 – 16:00 – Hall 4, Room B

►Remembering Neal Peirce: The Pioneer of Urban Journalism


Tuesday, February 11 2:30 P.M. TO 3:30 P.M.

Eduardo Moreno, UN-Habitat; Eugenie Birch, General Assembly of Partners; Ted Liebman, Perkins Eastman; Maruxa Cardama, Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport; and Anthony Flint, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Moderated by Gregory Scruggs, Independent Journalist

► Financing for Sustainable Urban Transport Systems and Transit-Oriented Development and Value Capture

Tuesday, February 11 HALL 3, ROOM 11 4:30 P.M. TO 6:30 P.M.

Debashish Bhattacharjee, UN-Habitat; Martim Smolka, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy; Nicolás Galarza, Ministry of Housing, City and Territory, Colombia; Daniel Navarro, Ministry of Housing and Human Settlements, Costa Rica; Aimee Gauthier, ITDP Africa; Samuel Omer, Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development, Kenya; Charles Mariki, Regional Administration & Local Government, Tanzania; Ronald Lwakatare, Dar Rapid Transit Authority, Tanzania; and BAH Madina Diawara, Ministry of Transport, Guinea Moderated by Gilberto Chona, Inter-American Development Bank

The Yin and Yang of Inclusive Cities: Technology and Local Partnerships

IHC Global Coalition for Inclusive Housing and Sustainable Cities, USA; and HIC Member Development Action Group, South Africa
Wednesday, February 12, 2020 Hall 2: Room 16 14:00 – 16:00

Land Governance and Urban Growth: Leveraging Land Value to Achieve Sustainable Urbanization

Wednesday, February 12 HALL 4, ROOM C 4:30 P.M. TO 6:30 P.M.

Enrique Silva, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy; Sameh Wahba, World Bank; Carol Archer, University of Technology, Jamaica; Rene Hohmann, Cities Alliance;
Diane Dumashie, International Federation of Surveyors; Sarah Nandudu, Slum Dwellers International; and Oumar Sylla, UN-Habitat Moderated by Marcela Villarreal, Division of Partnership and South-South Corporation, FAO

Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) Facilitation Group Meeting 

HIC President Adriana Allen will participate in the above GPR2C meeting

Wednesday, February 12, 2020, 18.30-20.30 – Capital Suite 16 (CS16) first floor.

Habitat International Coalition (HIC) social gathering with HIC Members and Friends

Wednesday, February 12, 2020, 20.30 onwards – Venue TBC

WUC Steering Committee Meeting

Location: ADNEC – Abu Dhabi, UAE

Malick Gaye, Executive Director Enda Rup, particiates at this session.

12 February (8:00 – 12:00)

Join our Wassup Group!

HIC Members, Friends and Allies are welcome to join a dedicated whatsapp group for the coordination and exchange of information during the WUF. You can join the group using this link (please make sure to do so while using your phone. Otherwise you will only be able to join from your computer if you have whatsapp web).


The GPR2C will organize two events during the WUF10:

  • GPR2C Networking Event (NE 33 – Hall 3, Room 13) on Sunday February 9th, 4:30pm-6:30pm: Right to the city: connecting the sustainable development goals and the new urban agenda.
  • GPR2C Training Event (TE 4 – Room CS4) on Monday February 10th, 9:00am-12:00pm: Using the Right to the City to achieve cities with cultural diversity.

GPR2C members are also organizing and/or participating in the following events:

  • Assemblies (Business, Local-Regional Govts, Youth, Grassroots, and Women) on Saturday February 8th, 10:00am-6:00pm.
  • [Habitat for Humanity] SDGs in Action venue on SDG 11. • [Habitat for Humanity] LA/C urban housing practitioner’s hub.
  • [AURI] Networking Event (NE 47 – Hall 2, Room 7) on Monday February 10th, 2:00pm-4:00pm: Mobilizing local research for global agendas: connecting regional networks to encourage sustainable urban development across research and policy cultures in the global south.
  • [IOPD, UCLG] Networking Event (NE 77 – Hall 3, Room 17) on Monday February 10th, 4:30pm-6:30pm: Participatory practices and the right to the city at the core of urban innovation. • [Huairou Commission] Networking Event (NE 101 – Hall 2, Room 1) on Tuesday February 11th, 4:30pm-6:30pm: Urban Thinkers Campus (UTC) – a platform for partnerships & initiatives – a creative & innovative convergence space for stakeholders driving common vision of sustainable urban development.
  • [CESAL] Networking Event (NE 139 – Hall 3, Room 19) on Wednesday February 12th, 2:00pm-4:00pm: Social participation methodologies in urban planning peri-urban experiences that contribute to the sustainable development of South-South cities.
  • [CJUR] Networking Event (NE 138 – Hall 3, Room 18) on Wednesday February 12th, 2:00pm-4:00pm: Network for a Latin American urban agreement: a new culture through urban legislation.

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