GPR2C Africa Regional Meeting

The GPR2C – Global Platform for the Right
to the City
promoting an important debate about the implementation of the Right to the City
on a regional perspective in Johannesburg, South Africa, on November 28th,
2015. The Regional Meeting in Africa will
be held at University of the Witwatersrand (WITS), in the Dorothy Suskind
Auditorium, John Moffat Building, from 8 am until 6 pm. The access is through
Yale Road (from either Jorrisen or Empire Wits East Campus). The meeting is
hosted by the Centre for Urbanism and Built Environment Studies (CUBES).

The event comes on a strategic moment, when a lot of
countries meet in South Africa to participate at Africities Summit
, an
event that brings, one day after, several entities to discuss the inclusion of
this cornerstone theme on African countries.

The Regional Meeting
aims to:

1. Present the Global Platform for the
Right to the City and disseminate its principles, goals and actions,
strengthening regional alliances and inviting new organizations to join it;

2. Discuss the meaning of the Right to
the City in the region and conduct capacity-building activities (i.e.,
learning) on the conceptual, legal and institutional dimensions of this right,
based on findings from the research conducted by HIC and Polis Institute, which
analyzed these dimensions within case studies from Latin America, Europe and
Africa (full text available here);

3. Promote an exchange of experiences on
policies, projects and actions that implement the Right to the City;

4. Review the Global Platform´s Action
Plan in order to localize, interpret and complement it consistent with the
regional participants’ priorities and other regional specificity.

5. Analyze setbacks, challenges and/or
particular regional developments (national and regional reporting, consultation
with civil society, evaluating Habitat II commitments, etc.) in the Habitat III
process New Habitat Agenda;

6. Share information about the discussion
processes and documents relating to the Right to the City within the Habitat
III Conference, preparatory process and follow-up (e.g., partnerships,
implementation, monitoring and reporting against targets and indicators).

Download the program.

Global Platform for the
Right to The City

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